Panda Security provides a support forum where you can find the answers to any questions you might have, exchange ideas with other users, etc.
Registration is required to be able to use the support forum. During the registration process you will be asked to enter a number of details. Once registered, you will be able to access the forum simply by entering your user name and password.
You can access the forum in the following ways:
Through our Technical Support website, by clicking Visit our forum.
Through your product icon next to the Windows® clock. To do this, right-click the icon and select Online technical support from the menu displayed.
From the menu > Online
technical support. The
menu is
located in the top right corner of your product's main window.
From the main window of the program, by clicking the Support section.
Contact phones
Spain |
951 390 931 |
+1 (202) 629 9355 |
UK |
0203 603 5968 |
Canada |
+1 (438) 228 9996 |
Belgium |
03 346 01 77 |
Germany |
020 6596 1101 |
France |
01 46 84 20 00 (touche 4) |
Netherlands |
010 669 0605 |
Italy |
06 94801675 |
Denmark |
7876 8348 |
Finland |
09 42 41 59 83 |
Sweden |
08 124 106 09 |
Brazil |
(11) 3181-7410 |
Mexico |
(55) 4741 1405 |
Portugal |
215 554 913 |