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Who’s got my passwords?

Published by Blanca Carton, April 2011

If you suddenly realized that your bank password or your login credentials for Facebook had been stolen, what would you do? It’s a frightening thought that a stranger could access your computer, or even your cell phone, and steal and publish your intimate photos, for example. This is not science fiction, in fact it happened to Scarlett Johansson (source

Think it couldn’t happen to you? Only you know your passwords? Think again. In addition to accidently losing your passwords, there is the very real threat of them being stolen when you type them into your PC. This is because certain programs called keyloggers allow cyber-criminals to record and store your keystrokes.

And if your passwords fall into the hands of cyber-criminals, what can they do with them?  You’ll find the answer in the following presentation: It’s a business for them!

What can you do to avoid this situation?

As always, use your common sense and follow some basic practical advice when using the Internet:

And when you create your passwords:

Finally, remember that the best defense against all types of cyber-attacks is to have an up-to-date antivirus. Why not try one of our free antivirus programs: Panda Global Protection 2012 beta?  They offer the best protection against viruses and software designed to steal your information.

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