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Tips and Best Practices
Post-vacation Security Tips for your Business
Vacations can rejuvenate and relax us, but let’s make sure to take into account our IT security while we get back on track!
Protect your data from device theft
Today, technology is all around us, and it comes with both the good and the bad. Make sure you take precautions before going on vacation this summer!
My phone fell in the pool: how to revive a soaked phone
What is the first things to do with a wet phone? Whatever you do, do not attempt to dry it using heat. Forget about dryers, microwaves, ovens or other similar ideas. Learn our DIY tips and give your wet phone another lifeline.
If You Add Extras to Your Web Browser = Extra Danger for You
Did you know that a cybercriminal could use the vibration of your Smartphone to spy your conversations? Discover the details.
Do Your Employees Download Pirated Software? How To Prevent It:
Preventing your employees from downloading pirated software and maintaining a software inventory can keep your company safe and help control your budget. Here’s how to do it.
Learn how to protect your information on International Archives Day
The entire world population generates and saves enormous amounts of essential information every day. We do so not only to remember and look back on the…
Have they hijacked your browser? Here’s how to fix it
If your browser is running slower than usual than there is a chance your browser has been hijacked! Now you have no other option than to restore the configuration to get everything back to normal. Learn how to do it….