375 entradas
How to share WiFi on your computer
Sometimes you need a way to connect WiFi devices to your network – this is how you can share your connection.
What becomes of accounts and passwords after death?
Although intangible, they are our assets. Here is what happens to digital accounts, cryptocurrencies and passwords after death.
What Is an IP Address? Accessing and Protecting Your Device’s Identity
Have you ever wondered how the message you send on your cell phone makes its way to your friend’s computer? While we may not consider…
Are Cookies Bad + How to Clear Them
Have you ever browsed an eCommerce site and added potential purchases to your cart, only to exit your browser and not submit the order? Did…
What Is HTTPS? A Guide to Secure Browsing and Sharing
All users look for and count on a safe, secure online experience. Whether they’re buying a new pair of shoes or transferring money to a…
Back to school cyber security tips
Students are back to school in America and Canada. Here is how to keep them safe from online threats.
Are you overheating? Your phone might be too…
Did you know smartphones can overheat – and that they can be quite dangerous when they do? This is what you need to know.