In line with the award we just received for Best eCommerce Software company as the Best Customer Experience Awards 2012 in Spain, today I want to tell you about some of the key players who have made this possible, that is, my team.
They are the people working at Panda by assisting the first line of support and customer service. People who daily try not to let the customer notice he is having a bad day, people who empathize with the customer and put themselves on his shoes. A team of people who, after each call requests to be evaluated. They make the customer experience worth a ten or a zero. People that, although they are very different from each other, transmit the same feeling. Those people I want to tell you about!
In Panda we measure customer satisfaction through a system that combines several metrics. Today I want to focus on one of them, the NPS method. To begin with, I will explain what NPS consists of.
NPS stands for Net Promoter Score and is a methodology which helps understand and manage customer feedback and measure their degree of loyalty to a company, brand or service.
The NPS system is a simple way to get information through what is called “the ultimate question”:
Would you recommend this service to a friend or relative? (0 to 10)
It segments answers depending on the score, and only those customers who voted 9 or 10 are considered as promoters. As you can see, NPS is really picky, but for us the quality of service is above everything.
Currently, most companies complain about the effectiveness of conducting customer surveys. Mainly because the information we collect is irrelevant. That is because either the questions are not adequate, or most of the time, because they are not quantifiable. This is solved by applying NPS.
In Panda Support and Customer Service, the survey is included in all outgoing written communications, in the telephone survey system, after exiting the Support chat channels and it is also available for all users of the support site. In this way we have a complete picture of the customer satisfaction regarding the service received.
We believe that, by applying these rules, we will make our customers love us even more:
- We want our customers to call us only ONCE. No more is needed to solve a problem or to clarify their doubts.
- We want the experience to be as pleasant to the customer as to the technician, so they hang up the phone with a smile in their faces.
- We do not want to complicate the life of the customer by sending him from form to form in turn driving him crazy. A single channel, whichever he chooses, will be enough.
- We want our customers to tell us why they have not given us a 9 or a 10 vote and to do that, we need their collaboration.
- Our objective is to get to the bottom of his query until it is resolved, not to finish the communication with the customer as soon as possible.
People forget names or places, but they never forget what someone or something made them feel like. That is why the emotional component is so important to manage customers. Companies like Apple, Zappos, Starbucks, Virgin or Harley-Davidson, generate good customer experience, and the reason why is because they make us feel really special.
And if I may brag a bit, let me say that I am not exaggerating when I say I have the best Support and Customer Service team in the industry. A team that currently has an NPS rate of 43%, 11 points ahead in the ranking of security companies within our sector (data from 2012).
This is a team committed to grow, to improve and to touch – even if a little bit – your hearts.