When you’re planning a trip, there are always two things that concern us: how to get information from sites about the places we’re visiting, and how to monitor the money we spend.
Most of us are never separated from our smartphones and/or tablets, even while on vacation. So let’s get the most out of the top applications that will surely make our vacations easier.
When we go somewhere new, the first thing we do is research information from sites about the places we’re about to visit, where to eat (or not eat), and what hotel is near the city center. To help with your process, here’s our selection of top Applications that can help with your research:
Lonely Planet
I have a friend who is always buying the Lonely Planet book for the location she’s about to visit. Well, now you can also take Lonely Planet on your Smartphone with their application. Prices vary and include GPS location to avoid charges on your mobile data while attaining information from traditional guides. Available for iOS, Android and Symbian.
When looking for hotels, who hasn’t visited TripAdvisor to view user reviews? Now in addition to this general application, the company has another, available for iOS and Android , which includes city guides for more than 50 cities worldwide. The best part? It’s free and works without an Internet connection, so you can save on roaming charges.
Another valuable application is Minube . Their guides, which gather information from more than 200,000 places in the world, are filled with data shared by users like you. You can find it for iOS , Android and Windows Phone . The application can also create lists and develop customizable itineraries.
One of the less known applications on our list is Airbnb . This application offers individual apartments in more than 200 countries. Depending on your needs, you can rent just one room or the entire house. It has a very active community of comments, reviews and user experiences. I myself had used it for a few days in San Francisco this summer, so I can recommend it firsthand . It is available for iOS and Android.
Antivirus for Android – Panda Mobile Security
At Panda Security , we recommend you to try out our antivirus for Android to keep your device safe and free of malware.
As you have seen, all these applications are based on the opinions and user ratings. Our recommendation is that you don’t share any information until you finish your holiday, and are back home safely.
If you are in a hotel in Moscow, you are not at home, and this information can be used by potential thieves. We suggest you do not give too much data across these platforms .
Now it’s your turn! Tell us what applications you use while planning a vacation!
I like to download a basic dictionary that requires no Internet connection. And with Evernote (a cloud base note taking and sync tool), you can also have on hand all the touristic information you gathered and copied from Internet before you go.