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DNA virus brings malware full circle
Scientists have successfully infected a computer with a virus carried in DNA – just like a true human infection. ¡Learn how to protect your computer!
Zeus is Still the Base of Many Current Trojans
When it first appeared in 2007, no one expected ZeuS to have such a brutal impact on security. But this Trojan’s offshoots have become incredibly dangerous.
Dangers Beyond Ransomware – the Risk of Spyware
Spyware is often overshadowed by the prevalence of ransomware. But its dangers are very real, and in some cases overlap with its more famous counterpart.
Facebook Messenger: Beware of malware!
A new malware is spreading through Facebook Messenger affecting Windows, Mac and Linux… What do you have to do? Follow our tips!
HBO hack: Not even Daenerys dragons can protect Game of Thrones from leak
Hackers might be holding 1.5 terabytes of HBO proprietary information, including episodes and information from Game of Thrones and other TV shows.
Cyberheists and the Most Common Tactics for Carrying Them Out
Cyberheists are evolving at breakneck speed. Financial institutions are understandably concerned, but even the most sophisticated attacks can be stopped.
5 Tech Things To Do Before Your Next Vacation
You want your home to be in tact when you are back. We wanted to share a list of top 5 tech security things you should do before you leave.