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Can they spy on you through your smartphone microphone?
Smartphone users are highly sensitive about privacy, not least because so much personal data is stored in just a few square centimeters. We shudder at…
LinkedIn: How to avoid being scammed
Nowadays, practically everyone has a profile on LinkedIn. This is a useful tool for letting companies know who you are, your work experience, your present…
The Most Famous Virus in History: ‘ILoveYou’
Melissa.A, Friday the 13th are viruses that we’ve reviewed until now on this blog. Today we’re going to talk about ‘ILoveYou’, so famous that it’s almost…
How Can We Protect Ourselves from Trojans?
There have been a few times we’ve talked about Trojans on this blog, but … Do you know what they are, and how you can…
What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is malicious software that infects our equipment, and gives cybercriminals the ability to lock your PC from a remote location and encrypt your files…
If you break the chain you will have bad luck for the rest of your life
Who has never received one of those hideous “strings”? These menacing messages try to make you feel guilty about something or threaten you to burn…
Safe Christmas shopping online
Many of us are a bit reluctant to shop online as we believe we may fall victim to some scam. So, What to bear in mind when shopping online?