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The Largest Facebook Hack Happened Last Week
The most massive hack in Facebook’s history happened last week. A Facebook code vulnerability caused the data breach.
Facebook: How to minimize the risk of vulnerabilities
Almost 50 million Facebook accounts were exposed to an attack that was possible thanks to a vulnerability. At Panda Security, we’ve prepared some advice on how to avoid being the next victim.
5 ways to tell if you’re a victim of identity theft
The longer an identity thief goes undetected, the more damage they can do to your finances and reputation.
GDPR lands at British Airways: How did the hackers manage to get in?
The only way to avoid paying the economic sanctions of GDPR is to keep these security breaches from happening. Find out how to protect your company.
Only 54% of companies know where their data is
These problems when it comes to finding unstructured data could be a question of volume, having an average cost of 3.86 million dollars for a data breach.
Do VPNs still work in China?
China is famous for operating a national content filter to block access to non-approved websites. But do the VPNs used to evade this firewall still work?
Do not download your Facebook history
Finding out what Facebook knows about you could be one of the most expensive mistakes you ever make.