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How to protect your privacy in a surveillance state
Everything you do online is monitored and recorded. Here’s how you can regain some control of your privacy
Facebook targets teens’ data – do they really know what that means?
Facebook’s entire business relies on collecting users’ data – but younger people may not realise what that actually means.
Millions of Stolen User Records Up for Sale on The Dark Web
Just a few days later cyber criminals uploaded a new batch of additional 127 million records stolen from more than a dozen other brands.
The Details of Roughly 620 Million Users Are Up for Sale on The Dark Web
Approximately 620 million records stolen from sixteen compromised websites are up for grabs on the Dark Web.
How much does your credit card issuer know about you?
What information do you give to credit card issuers and how do credit card companies keep track of your buying habits?
Troy Hunt: the largest data leak in history
The Details of at Least 773 Million People Surfaced on a Free Cloud Storage Service.
Do Americans Think Their Phone Is Listening To Them? (Survey)
Is your phone listening to you? We survey Americans to get their take on the topic and include advice on how to keep your device from recording you.