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How to Recover a Stolen Smartphone
What if your Smartphone suddenly disappeared? What would you do if you lost it or had it stolen? Read more and discover how you can recover your lost or stolen device.
your Smartphone is no longer the “smartest” option
Synching your Smartphone and computer might increase your chances of being hacked A classic piece of advice that helps keep email, social networks and other…
How Christmas lights and other appliances slow down your Wi-Fi
We’ve laid out a few of the main causes for interference with your Internet connection. Here you have 9 Reasons why your home Wi-Fi signal is slow.
How do cookies work?
Cookies are small data packets but do you know how they work?
4 steps to avoid viruses
Protecting your computer is much easier than you might think. Follow these 4 steps and your computer won’t become infected again!
What to do if your smartphone is stolen
Have you ever thought about how much information you keep on your smartphone? Contact numbers, photos, shortcuts to social media profiles, bank account details,…
How can I know if my computer is infected?
Does your computer talk to you? You can’t use the Internet? Have your files disappeared? You might be infected…10 tell-tale signs of infection