Posts by tag
operating systems
Apple Watch: nothing prevents thieves from resetting the password and using a stolen one (even for shopping)
It is one of the longest awaited gadgets in recent times and is set to become one of the technological gadgets of the year, but…
Can they spy on you through your smartphone microphone?
Smartphone users are highly sensitive about privacy, not least because so much personal data is stored in just a few square centimeters. We shudder at…
iOS 8. Apple increases user privacy
No doubt if you have an Apple device, you’ll know that the new iOS 8 operating system is now available. What you might not…
Do iPhones have a backdoor for spies?
Even though Apple always seems to have made an effort to ensure the security of data on its devices, security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski claims that…
Panda Security, the best antivirus for protecting Windows XP
As we’ve mentioned before, on April 8, Microsoft stopped supporting and releasing updates for one of its most popular operating systems, Windows XP. The only…
Five reasons to protect your Mac
“There are no Mac viruses”, “I have a Mac, I don’t need an antivirus”, “It is not possible for a Mac to get a virus”.…
Malware and operating systems
Published by Javier Guerrero, June 17th, 2010 When I talk about malware and the need to make end-users aware about its dangers, I usually get…