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operating systems
How to use your new phone at work (safely)
Want to use your new phone at work? Make sure you’re being secure first. It can make you more productive but there are risks associated with the device.
Android smartphone owners fall victim to new ‘unremovable’ malware variant
XHelper mobile virus proves almost impossible to remove from infected devices.
How secure is the new iPhone 11?
The new iPhone 11 series have already become available for preorder on Sept 13th and are expected to start shipping on the 20th.
Google White Hat Hackers Say Thousands of iPhones Have Been Hacked for Years
Google white hat hackers say thousands of iPhones have been hacked for years. Who is behind the iPhone hacking?
BlueKeep: cybercriminals scanning for the latest Windows vulnerability
A threat intelligence company has announced that it has started to detect scans looking for Windows systems with the BlueKeep vulnerability.
Get ahead of Windows vulnerabilities with Patch Management
A new vulnerability has been discovered in Windows, affecting users of Windows XP, Windows 7, and other older Windows systems.
Have hackers tapped your phone?
Personal information is so valuable that criminals will try and steal it from anywhere. And listening into your phone calls is another way to do that.