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The Internet collapses, brings the world to a halt for a few hours
Is there immunity in the new era of Internet attacks? The massive cyber-attack of the last hours puts it in evidence.
Point of Sale attacks through Terminal Server
We discover new attacks by malware to Point of Sale Terminals and we give you tips to protect your corporate network.
Cybercrime Reaches New Heights in the Third Quarter
18 million new malware samples have been detected in the last three months, and have affected millions of people. Read more, here.
US presidential debates and cyber security.
What we’ve learned from the first two debates and what to expect from the last one? One of the major questions discussed during the 1st…
No password? You’re asking to be hacked.
75 million smartphones in the US don’t have their passwords set on TransUnion’s latest Cyber Security Survey confirmed that Americans who feel extremely or very…
Smart cities with Invisible Dangers
A smart city can make life more convenient, but it’s conveniences can also be a threat to your IT security. All of your connected devices have the possibility of being hacked!
“Securing a business involves so much more than plugging in various pieces of computer technology”, Simon Edwards
Know everything you need to know of the testers anti-malware and news in the sector of the hand of our guest articles.