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NSA and CIA were spying on you! So what?
A few days ago WikiLeaks released information clarifying CIA have developed a whole lot of hacking tools that allow them to spy on everyone somehow…
Mobile World Congress 2017: Are Future Technologies Safe?
“Technology is very hard to predict.” So said Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO, during his keynote at this year’s Mobile World Congress when asked what his…
Sticky Attacks: When the operating system turns against you
Pandalabs detects and neutralizes an attack that does not use any malware as such. The “Sticky Keys” become a corporate nightmare.
Paying taxes is taxing enough
6 steps to protect yourself from being fleeced The following could be the story plot of the next Hollywood horror blockbuster. Average Paul works hard…
International Women’s Day: 8 empowered woman in the computing world
8 empowered woman in the computing world to celebrate International Women’s Day Often seen as a male-dominated industry, women have played an important part in…
Over a Hundred Thousand Printers Simultaneously Ghost Printed Goofy ASCII Art
Without warning, 160,000 printers simultanesously printed the same document, which warned that the printer in question would from now on become part of a bot network.
Connected Car News from the Geneva Car Show 2017
Internet of Things (IoT) technology promised to put smart technology in virtually every device you can imagine. And to show how smart technology can improve…