Posts by tag
Are we “cyber safer” than ever?
We hear about cyber security risks and how to protect against them all the time – but are we paying attention? Are we “cybersafer” now?
Hotel hijacking: Are your bookings at risk?
Booking trips is fun when you follow common sense and cybersecurity guidelines, nothing bad will happen if you are cautious and use common sense.
Protecting your email against phishing attacks
Phishing is an incredibly effective technique used by hackers to steal your passwords – here’s how to protect yourself.
The biggest cybersecurity breaches of 2017…so far
2017 has already seen some huge cybersecurity breaches – and this is what you can learn from them
A Conversation with Daniel Monastersky, Expert in Cyber Law
Daniel Monastersky, a lawyer specializing in computer law and protection of personal data, discusses some of the challenges facing cybersecurity.
Petya Webinar: Yet Another Ransomware Outbreak
Watch our webinar on last week’s Petya/GoldenEye, which encrypted data files and MBRs on thousands of computers around the world.
Why are ransomware attacks successful?
The fast-spreading virus called Petya is a strain of the WannaCry malware. How to avoid becoming a victim of this new ransomware attack?