Posts by tag
Be careful! You’re not the only one wearing a mask at the Carnival!
During Carnival week, many people have fun wearing costumes and masks. We have found the following video, showing a series of masks worn by people…
Distributing malware through Facebook
People ask me many times how are the bad guys using Facebook to distribute malware. Even though there are multiple answers to that question, at…
Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010 on YouTube
Published by Nerea Bezares Check this video out! I found it on YouTube and it´s absolutely hilarious! Thanks Don McMillan
Spam using Twitter and Youtube
Spam is something that we see on a daily basis. Everyday thousands of unwanted e-mails arrive to our mailboxes. We have seen them in all…
What are you doing? Hello Twitter!
Twitter (to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird) is a free service that allows users to send text messages called tweets.…
Malicious tweets link up to Pay Per Click Fraudware
Last year, we observed a widespread targeted attack on Twitter which optimized a malware campaign by automatically creating thousands of tweets with a trending topic…
Imagination gone wild!
It comes as no surprise that social networks can offer a wonderful opportunity to express your views and even to transform the world. Think of…