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iOS 14 Beta Goes Public – Should You Install It?
Apple’s latest mobile operating system has some great features – should you sign up for the Beta to get them early?
Approximately 300,000 Nintedo user accounts breached by hackers
Nintendo has suffered a security breach. 300,000 accounts have been hacked, and purchases have even been made from them.
FBI Says Cyber Criminals Will Target Mobile Banking Users
There has been an increase in mobile banking apps during the pandemic. The FBI says hackers will take advantage of this. Here is how to protect yourself.
What to expect from the contact tracing app Care19?
A contact tracing app has just been released in the USA. Developed by Apple-Google, Care19 informs users of potential expusure to the virus.
What to expect from the upcoming Apple and Google contact tracing apps
Apple and Google joined forces to develop the technology to trace sick people. It could help stop the Coronavirus spread, but also raises privacy concerns.
Coronavirus and geotracking: privacy concerns
Some governments are using geotracking apps to protect citizens from the Covid19 outbreak. Of course, this is meant to help – but this data could be stolen.
Location Sharing: Americans Don’t Trust It
We surveyed Americans to find out how they use location sharing. After discussing these insights, we give tips on how to safely share your location.