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Aciturri Aeronáutica: cybersecurity in the manufacturing sector
Aciturri Aeronáutica is a first level supplier of aeronautic structures. It protects its corporate cybersecurity with Panda Adaptive Defense 360.
Blackmail attempts by ex-employees
Dissatisfied ex-employees can pose a risk to your company’s cybersecurity: they know the IT system inside out, and may be aware of its vulnerabilities.
WLAN: Emotet’s new distribution method
Cybersecurity investigators have discovered a new variant of the notorious botnet Emotet that uses WLAN connections to spread to new victims.
Panda Security offers free cyber-risk assessments as it launches webinar series on building cyber-resilience
In a new three-part webinar series, Panda Security will explore how to build cyber-resilient organisations that are free from cyber-risks of all kinds.
An Emotet campaign hits the United Nations
The botnet Emotet has carried out a targeted phishing campaign against the United Nations in New York, in which up to 600 email addresses were affected.
The new critical vulnerability in Windows 10 has a solution: UPDATE NOW
Microsoft has launched a patch to fix a critical security vulnerability in Windows 10, and Windows Server 2016 and 2019, among other systems.
Travelex Hit By $6m Ransom Attack
The cybercriminals claim that they are in possession of 5GB of national identification numbers, dates of birth, and credit card information.