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Playboy TV Spam

I suppose we are in a way getting accustomed to see unwanted messages in our inbox, either advertising rolex watches at reasonable prices or Viagra, “miraculous” beauty products, among many others. That’s nothing new and the figures speak for themselves: as we mentioned in the 2007 Annual Report about 95% of email in circulation globally is spam.

In this case, we have detected a spam message that not only uses a TV channel as a social engineering technique, but also whose content cannot be clearly read as it is blurred in order to avoid antispam filters. 

The message, which is in Spanish, starts with the sentence “Mira el video y no te pierdas la sorpresa al final” whose translation is: “Look at the video and don’t miss the surprise at the end”. It entices users to view a video by clicking on a link. If any of the three links included in the message is followed, we will get a bad surprise and our system will be compromised.

Once one of these links is followed, we are required to install a file called "PlayboyTV-MediaPlayer.exe" that seems to be a codec necessary to view the video. However, this file will install a malicious code detected as W32/MSNworm.CV.worm in the computer.

In order to go unnoticed, it displays a YouTube video of a playboy girl. Taking a look at this video it's easy to understand why some people don't notice that they are being infected while they're watching it.

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