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Where is the weirdest place you have ever used your cell phone? Show us and win an iPad mini!



During your yoga class, in the changing room of a store, or while you’re climbing… more than likely you thought about using you cell phone in a strange place. With Panda Security, these strange customs can come with a prize!

All you have to do is tell us the most unusual place where you have used one of your mobile devices, and you can win an iPad Mini and a Panda Global Protection 2014 license!

Entering is very simple. Just follow these steps:

1. Take a photo of yourself using your cell phone, tablet, or laptop in the strangest location you can think of.

2. Share the photo with one of our Twitter accounts:  @Panda_Security or @PandaSecurityUS with the hashtag #pandaprotectsme and tell us where you are. For example: This is me tweeting a few minutes before diving into the ocean! @Panda_Security #pandaprotectsme

For photos that receive 10 RTs or more, you will automatically be entered in a raffle to win an iPad mini and a license for Panda Global Protection 2014. You can participate until October 22nd!

Here you have more info about the contest:


[button url=”” style=”red”] Show us and win an iPad mini! [/button]


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