The UK is set to legalise self-driving cars this year
Driverless cars are here to stay. Proof of this is that the UK is set to passed legislation allowing them to drive on its streets.
Tips to keep your passwords secure for World Password Day, and beyond
One in every five UK users are aware that their passwords have been hacked at least once, but most never even notice. Here are top tips to keep yours safe.
Russian nuclear subs come under malware attack
Researchers believe Chinese hacking groups are targeting Russian military forces
Do not trust communications from companies demanding renewal money
Many are receiving calls and emails from companies claiming for money. Here is what to do in case you doubt if these are fake.
FBI is probably patching your system for you without your consent
This court-authorized action has patched security vulnerabilities on thousands of computers affected by a security hole in Microsoft Exchange’s servers.
Own a Mac? It’s time to update your software
Apple has released a very important security update – install now to protect yourself against malware and worse.
Why is USPS tracking social media posts?
USPS has a service, iCOP, that scans open source information including social media searching for possible threats to their employees and customers.