How to stay focused online
The internet is an amazing source of entertainment, but sometimes it’s really hard to stay focused. Here’s some tips to avoid distraction.
Vulnerability found in top messaging apps let hackers eavesdrop
Google Project Zero found a vulnerability in top messaging apps that allowed hackers to listen and watch through their victims’ phones without them knowing.
Why do people still fall for online scams?
We are all getting smarter about IT security, so how are people still falling for cyberscams?
What happens if my phone is stolen?
Your mobile phone is an important part of your life – so what do you do if it has been stolen?
How to Uninstall WebDiscover Browser
Built for Chrome-based browsers, WebDiscover promises to bring the power of the web to your desktop. And while “a sleek search bar” neatly tucked away…
FTC Warns of text-messaging scam claiming to be from UPS, FedEx
Cybercriminals are exploiting the holiday rush by spreading phising scams pretending to be delivery companies. Be careful if you are expecting packages.
Was Google hacked?
Google’s services went out of service earlier this week. Many claim that it was a hacker attack although there is no evidence of it. Here is what we know.