56% of Americans Fear Data Safety of New COVID Vaccine Passport Apps
With the ongoing distribution of COVID vaccines across the globe and the broader U.S. economy preparing to reopen, the question of international travel has become…
Police Crackdown on Royal Mail Text Scammers
British Police have made a series of arrests as part of their investigations into a huge SMS scam.
How dangerous are deepfakes?
Deepfakes have become quite common, and widely used for evil purposes. Here are some ways that they can be dangerous.
Destroying a botnet
How a global taskforce was assembled to smash one of the most successful criminal botnets.
How hackers managed to cause gas shortages across the USA?
A hacker attack caused the main pipeline of the southeast to stop and and gas stations to run dry. How did a new Eastern european hacker group pull it out?
The UK is set to legalise self-driving cars this year
Driverless cars are here to stay. Proof of this is that the UK is set to passed legislation allowing them to drive on its streets.
Do not trust communications from companies demanding renewal money
Many are receiving calls and emails from companies claiming for money. Here is what to do in case you doubt if these are fake.