Spam, spam spam…..
Of course, we have all wondered when we will stop receiving spam. It is not an easy question. We have already started 2007 and all…
New Spamtaload wave…
Today, we have detected an increase in the number of email incident reports. This is due to a new variant of the infamous Spamtaload. We have …
Train timetables and Bluetooth
Today we came across an interesting piece of news. Less than two hundred meters from Panda Software's main building, at the hall of a centric…
Apple bugs month Revisited
As we announced a few weeks ago, Month of Apple Bugs is online since the first of January. Of the eight vulnerabilities that have been…
What do a Rootkit a Mitglieder and a Bagle do in the same pc?
Sometimes malware variants are quite selfish. Not long ago we came across a variant that downloaded a virus scanner, to gain full control of the…
The Long Tail: malware's business model
Chris Anderson first coined the term "The Long Tail" back in 2003 while explaining an interesting effect businesses on the Internet were starting to experience…
Adobe plugins Vulnerabilities
Stefano Di Paola y Giorgio Fedon have discovered various vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobar Reader's plugin. They presented them at CCC's Congress with a presentation on…