New competition launched to improve personal data security
The US and UK governments are offering cash prizes to inventors who can show how AI handles sensitive personal data responsibly.
How to spot a deepfake video?
Deepfake videos are flooding social networks and pose a potential danger to users. Here is how to spot deepfake videos.
Samsung was hacked… again
For the second time this year, Samsung users have had their data stolen. How does it affect them, and what compensation can they get?
Hackers Hit UK Water Supplier
…but probably not the one they thought they were targeting
What is a VPN? A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Private Networks
We’re all guilty of it: waiting to board a plane and checking our email. Checking our account balance while in line at our favorite fast…
Foreign hackers are targeting American schools of all sizes
American schools are usual targets for hackers, who take advantage of their old infrastructure and lack of funding for cybersecurity.
Australian Police Develop a New AI Tool to Combat Child Abuse
Artificial Intelligence is being used in the fight against online child exploitation