Swine flu can also infect our computers
Posted by Miguel Corral Rivas October 01, 2009 We are all concerned, to one extent or another, about the new swine flu virus which is…
Fake IRS Notifications
Fake IRS notification e-mails have been in circulation on the Internet over the past few weeks. We’ve monitored the situation closely and have observed 30…
Could I be downloading a fake antivirus?
Yes, and you could also be paying for it without receiving any services whatsoever. And that’s not all. Rogueware is a type of cyber-crime that…
Panda Security leads the creation of the National Cyber-Security Advisory Council in Spain
Its founders include Spanish IT security leaders such as, Panda Security, S21sec, Hispasec Systems and Secuware Members also include Telefonica, Amper, Cybex and TBSecurity The…
Blackhat SEO continues to ravage search results
Every day cyber criminals are exploiting search engines to display high ranking malicious search results. Targeting hot topics allows for cyber criminals to improve infection…
Angelina Jolie, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson… all these names could be used as bait for E-crime
Posted by David San José September 22, 2009 On checking your mail you could find messages with enticing names of famous people, e.g. “Angelina Jolie…
Hack MySpace, ICQ, and Vkontakte for $100 (50% discount for Russians)
The Ukrainian Facebook scam we blogged about on Friday has similar campaigns for MySpace, ICQ, and Vkontakte. All of the scam sites are identical in…