Deep Dive Analysis on a Twitter Attack
As many of our readers know, the Internet is constantly under attack with new threats appearing each and every day. Blackhat SEO attacks, which intertwine…
PandaLabs’ Quarterly Report: 61% of new threats created in Q1 were Trojans
– Resurgence of traditional viruses after recent decline – Attacks through social networks and BlackHat SEO attacks using Apple and Facebook as lures have been among cyber-crooks’…
PandaLabs Quarterly Report – Q1 2010
Today we will publish the quarterly report corresponding to the 1st Quarter of 2010. We will inform you about several events regarding cybercrime that have…
SEO & hackers, an odd couple
Edited by Iñaki Gorostiza, March 2010 We tend to think of experts in SEO techniques as mystic loners, able to predict trends on Google and…
How to obtain thousands World of Warcraft accounts for free
In the last weeks we’ve seen several phishing campaigns targeting World of Warcraft players. This is one of the messages that have been circulating: If…
IRS Malspam Campaign
As we have documented in the past, a new (actually, it’s the same as the old one) Fake IRS notification malspam campaign has started up…
Mac Malware – fact or fiction?
One of the questions I am most often asked has to do with the supposed “immunity” of Mac. The first thing I always explain is…