PandaLabs Quarterly Report Q1 2011
These first three months have witnessed some particularly intense virus activity and there have been a number of serious incidents during this period, such as:…
Videos, Installers, Cracks and Social Media, Most Popular Baits Used by Hackers to Infect Users
A Brazilian Web page offering a video of the tsunami disaster released by the Japanese consulate is the most frequently blocked website in Q1 2011
CPP and Panda Security Join Forces to Protect Customers Against Identity Theft and Online Fraud
Panda Security will protect CPP Identity Protection and CPP Alert customers with its security suite Panda Internet Security 2011 Panda’s security solution ensures network privacy…
If you forward this email…
Posted by Carlos Arias, March 2011 It is not unusual to receive alarming emails warning that your email service will shortly be shut down or…
Panda Security Study Reveals 63 Percent of Schools Plagued by IT Security Breaches at Least Twice a Year
Despite tight budgets, schools implement computer security best practices and look to invest in cloud technologies; prioritize policies to mitigate social media risk Panda Security,…
Kawaii Security: Japan is different
I started writing this blog post 10 days ago, but then the terrible earthquake happened in Japan, so I decided to postpone it. Now things…
Cybercriminals taking advantage of the Japanese earthquake
Yesterday we saw a message that promised to show you a video about the disaster after the earthquake and the tsunami. It included a link,…