Mobile World Congress 2015: the unstoppable growth of mobile devices
After attending the Mobile World Congress 2015 one thing is clear to us: the growth of mobile devices is unstoppable! As the number of users…
Cyber-criminals set their sights on drones
More and more cameras are watching us from the sky. And no, they don’t belong to the police or some intelligence agency, but to your…
WhatsSpy Public: The app that spies on WhatsApp users Â
When WhatsApp decided to let users hide or display the ‘Last Seen’ info, many hurried to disable a feature they considered a breach of privacy.…
What happens to my Facebook account when I die?
Photos, videos, status updates… Social networking sites store lots of information about you. Just take a look at your Facebook page’s wall. What do you…
Pandalabs neutralized 75 million new malware samples in 2014
PandaLabs, the anti-malware laboratory of Panda Security detected and neutralized 75 million malware samples in 2014. This figure more than doubles the number recorded in…
What are Advanced Persistent Threats? Interview with Fernando Andrés
On several occasions we have discusses the need for effective protection against Advanced Persistent Threats in corporate environments, however, do companies really know what we…
How to secure the files your company stores in the cloud
Goodbye CD, DVD and pen drive. When you need to share a document with a work colleague or you have to take work home, you…