DNA virus brings malware full circle
Scientists have successfully infected a computer with a virus carried in DNA – just like a true human infection. ¡Learn how to protect your computer!
Zeus is Still the Base of Many Current Trojans
When it first appeared in 2007, no one expected ZeuS to have such a brutal impact on security. But this Trojan’s offshoots have become incredibly dangerous.
Bionic employees and biohacking
What is biohacking and why should we care? As some brave employees begin to adopt electronic implants, are they placing themselves at risk of hacking?
The Impact of the Blockchain on Cybersecurity
The blockchain, which is most strongly associated with bitcoin, offers many new possibilities for cybersecurity solutions.
Locky ransomware strikes at Amazon
Locky is back! Watch out for Amazon Marketplace invoices spam emails containing a zip file able to infect your computer with malicious software.
3 Ways to Minimize “Security Fatigue” Among Employees
How can we minimize the so-called “security fatigue” that puts both employees and the companies they work for at risk?
Artificial Intelligence: Myth and Reality
Artificial Intelligence is in the media again – but will it really bring about the end of humanity? How can you separate fact from fiction?