1644 posts
DNI and Microsoft warn that multiple countries are trying to influence the elections
State-sponsored hackers from different foreign countries are trying to undermine Americans’ confidence in the democratic process.
1/3 of Americans Suffer from Digital Amnesia (Survey)
Are digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers diminishing our memory? We asked Americans which important phone numbers they can remember and the results were…
How to take your company into the cloud and telecommute securely
A growing number of organizations are opting to migrate their data and applications to the cloud given the numerous benefits that this delivers.
Did Melania Trump conduct official business with her private email?
Melania Trump has allegedly been using her private messaging accounts to conduct Government business. However, is this legal?
Zero-day attacks: the cyber equivalent of COVID-19
To minimize and mitigate the threat from zero-day encrypted malware, there are a number of strategies to be considered when planning an organization’s cybersecurity defenses.
43 COVID-19 Cybersecurity Statistics
In January 2020, the Coronavirus outbreak started to garner international headlines. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic. That…
The Mirai botnet exploits a new vulnerability affecting companies around the world
If there is one thing that characterizes botnet attacks such as Mirai it is their stealth, so prevention and countermeasures must also be proactive.