642 posts
Connect to open Wi-Fi networks without getting hacked!
Connecting to public Wi-Fi networks can get us out of a jam… and also get us into one! Use these 10 security tips and surf the web carefully.
We know “who has viewed your Instagram” and it’s not who you think
Do you want to know who has viewed your Instagram photos? There’s something every Instagrammer wants to know: who is looking at my photos? We…
10 memory tricks for creating safe and easy-to-remember passwords
You’re probably sick of hearing how important it is to follow certain steps when creating passwords, but we assure you that it really is vital…
4 steps to avoid viruses
Protecting your computer is much easier than you might think. Follow these 4 steps and your computer won’t become infected again!
How can I know if my computer is infected?
Does your computer talk to you? You can’t use the Internet? Have your files disappeared? You might be infected…10 tell-tale signs of infection