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Facebook Privacy Settings: Who’s Seeing My Photos?

Who’s Seeing My Photos
We’ve already explained how to set up different lists for friends in your personal Facebook profile. These same lists serve two purposes:

Facebook Privacy Settings: Who’s Seeing My Photos?

1.Uploading Photos and Albums to Our Personal Profile

The photographs and albums that we upload onto our profile generally carry the same privacy settings set by default for all the publications.

Yet, we can also change the privacy of the new publication exclusively. You can say if you want to only share it with your list of friends or contacts, or if you want to restrict viewing to a certain list or person.

Who’s Seeing My Photos

Whenever we get into this section, Facebook will offer the following options: public, friends, acquaintances of friends, just me, or customized. It will be accessing the custom option from where we can find our lists of friends.

2. Cover and Profile Photos

All the photos that we upload or select as our cover photo automatically become ‘public’. If, on having changed them, we want it to disappear, we will have to eliminate it from the album “Cover Photos”, and upload it to another album.

Our profile picture also will be public, and all the people that have access to your profile will be able to see it. However, the comments and likes in the photo, as well as the other photos of this same album, will have the settings set by default for the rest of the publications.

 3. Tagging Your Contacts in Photos

If we label or mention some of our contacts in one of our pictures, we have to be aware that this will change to the visibility defined by the other contact in question. For example, if my contact has established that all their photos are public, my photograph in which he is labeled will become public. That is why we should worry, not only for our settings, but also those of our friends.

Gradually we will properly configure our privacy settings on Facebook, and avoid unpleasant surprises. To help, always be aware of:

  1. Friends List
  2. Who can see my photos?

Have you taken a look at the settings of your Facebook profile? What did you find?

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