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Cyber security predictions in the consumer space for 2023

Last year was one of the most challenging ones when it came to consumer cyber security. Over the year, we saw a list of data leaks, major cyber hacks, and critical infrastructure attacks. Even though people and the government are preparing to fight off attacks, we expect the new 2023 to be as turbulent as 2022. Here’s a short list of Panda Security’s 2023 cybersecurity threats that could impact people’s lives this year.


Ransomware attacks will continue to cause disturbances in 2023. Bad actors have continued to develop the Ransomware-as-a-service industry. Cybercriminals will continue to target critical infrastructure and public and government entities, resulting in significant inconveniences among consumers. For example, hospitals might not be able to serve patients adequately, and government agencies might experience temporary crippling while dealing with such attacks. Individuals are not protected from direct hits either – cybercriminals will continue to target anything that moves.

Crypto scams

Even though the crypto world has been through some rough times over the last few months, in 2023, the overall crypto adoption will likely continue to rise. Businesses involved in crypto will continue to work on making the industry more appealing to the masses. Unfortunately, the increased adoption will also see a spike in the scams in the industry while people learn how to safely and securely manage their virtual assets. In addition, attacks on major crypto exchanges will also likely affect crypto exchange users.

Political hacking

In preparation for the 2024 presidential elections, we expect to see more political hacking in 2023. Hackers will look for dirt on influencers, politicians, and high-profile figures that they can use as a bargaining chip for political reasons. During 2023 we will likely see more stories similar to the Hunter Biden laptop controversy and Twitter Files. Politically motivated hacks will significantly impact people’s decisions on how to vote and will likely shape the results of future elections.

State-sponsored attacks

Cyber-attacks orchestrated by foreign states will continue to affect the lives of US residents in 2023. The tension between the USA and foreign states such as Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China will also affect the lives of many. The attacks could result in supply chain issues, critical infrastructure damages, or limited access to publicly offered services caused by ransomware attacks fueled by countries harboring cyber terrorists. We do not foresee a full-on cyber war, but tensions between foreign states would result in disruptions and inconveniences in 2023.

Digital nomads and work from home

Even though many employers have halted work-from-home, mobile workplaces remain and will continue to be an entry point for hackers to access business networks and cause damage. The technology of maintaining company equipment is getting better, but bad actors will continue looking for loopholes in the systems of digital nomads. Traveling employees will continue to present a security risk for IT managers.

Connected devices security

The number of household-located connected devices will continue to increase. Even toys are now starting to be connected to the local WiFi network and the 5G network. Unfortunately, every connected device would also be a way for hackers to sneak into a household system and cause damage. In 2023 we expect bad actors to continue exploiting IoT devices, causing headaches across US households.

Metaverse crime

The metaverse industry will also see an increase in metaverse-related crimes. With its potentially extensive adoption, the virtual world will likely inherit the problems of the real world. Sexual predators will try to exploit the new platform to commit crimes. Fraudsters will look for ways to commit identity theft. Bad actors may use it to spread malicious code and infect users with ransomware. Blackmail and assault crimes will also make it to the metaverse.

Attacks on smart cars

Electric cars, hybrid cars, and most of the newest model cars have a list of intelligent technology preinstalled. The conveniences offered by such smart integrations are immense, but those are also opportunities for hackers to look for ways to capitalize on those vulnerabilities. More and more players, some reasonably inexperienced, are entering the electric car battle zone, which will cause inconveniences and present a security issue for car owners. We hope 2023 will not see unauthorized hackers controlling any parts of smart cars, but it is certainly as possibility.

The new 2023 will undoubtedly be an interesting one. Of course, we hope that the cyber security predictions above won’t happen, but we also hope that if they do, you will be equipped to fight them off.

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