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48% of corporate data is now stored on the cloud

Cloud security encryption

The cloud has revolutionized the business world. Thanks to this technology, companies can store an ever increasing amount of data without having to invest in additional hardware. What’s more, thanks to cloud storage, employees can access this data no matter where they are. In fact, for many companies, this constant access to data is their main reason for using this technology.

As this report shows, adoption of cloud technology is widespread: 90% of companies in the world now use this technology, and it is expected that, by 2021, cloud data centers will process 94% of workloads. Moreover, in 2018, $80 billion was spent on cloud infrastructure.

Security problems?

Although the use of the cloud implies many advantage, as is often the case with new technologies, security tends to be sidelined. A new global study by Thales and Ponemon Institute of over 3000 IT security practitioners highlights a disparity between the rapid growth in the amount of data stored in the cloud and the security approach of many organizations.

One of the most striking statistics is the fact that, while 48% of corporate data is stored on the cloud, only 32% of organizations believe that protecting the data stored there is their responsibility. This has serious implications for this data, especially in the case of a data breach.

If organizations don’t see themselves as bearing responsibility for the sensitive data stored in the cloud, who is responsible? According to 35% of organizations, it should be cloud solution providers. However, despite this, only 23% of organizations say that security is a factor they consider when choosing a provider.

Encryption on the cloud

A highly worrying fact revealed by the study is that over half of companies (51%) don’t use either encryption or tokenization to protect their sensitive data on the cloud. This means that, if there were a data breach, the stolen data could be read and used without any obstacles.

Bearing this fact in mind, it is no wonder 54% of respondents to the study say that cloud storage makes it more difficult to protect sensitive data.

Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute explains: “With businesses increasingly looking to use multiple cloud platforms and providers, it’s vital they understand what data is being stored and where.”

Tina Stewart, VP of market strategy for cloud protection and licensing activity at Thales is unequivocal: “Your organization’s reputation is on the line when a data breach occurs, so it is critical to ensure in-house teams keep a close eye on your security posture and always retain control of encryption keys.

The cybersecurity landscape is changing

This study reveals that many companies have difficulty when it comes to protecting data on the cloud—something that could seriously endanger it. But it also serves to underline how the cybersecurity world is changing. These days, there is no denying the fact that the attack surface has significantly increased.

Moreover, it highlights the importance of being aware of the security risks that new technologies can entail. There is a clear disconnect between the rapid, massive uptake of new technologies and the efforts to protect them with adequate cybersecurity measures. It is vital to understand cybersecurity risks and trends in order to protect your organization. You can follow all the cybersecurity news here.

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