Softpedia just published a review of Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.5 and has awarded its “excellent 5-star” rating. The review highlights Cloud Antivirus automatic and transparent upgrades, the improvements in system resource usage, scan speed and improved malware detection rates.
The review concludes that “Panda Cloud Antivirus is indeed easy to use, very light on system resources and manages to offer protection a
gainst all sorts of malware. Despite being a free product it manages to provide a lot more than just basic protection.”
The full review can be read here:
PCAV would not be so great without feedback from all the PCAV Community, so thank you users, Mods, developers and others helping to make CloudAV better within every new release!
Поздравляю с присвоением 5 звёздочного рейтинга!
Два года как я пользуюсь Panda Cloud Antivirus, с каждой новой версией продукта я становлюсь спокойнее за свой компъютер, я перестал бороться с вирусами и полностью доверил эту работу Panda Cloud Antivirus. Замечательная программа! Я желаю разработчикам Panda Cloud Antivirus дальнейших успехов в работе над продуктом и очень хочу чтобы Panda Cloud Antivirus стала безоговорочным лидером среди других программ. Я всем своим друзьям и знакомым в России всегда рекомендую эту программу, Удачи Вам!
I enjoy the post and find the feedback helpful also.
well you read full review of Cloud Antivirus and other antivirus tools..
hey i can’t uninstall panda cloud antivirus…..
what 2 do….?
I have installed Panda cloud antivirus and it work very good 😉
Congratulation Panda Cloud for this Reward 🙂
The Panda Cloud Antivirus interface is cool and very clear to use.
I was asking in the forum ‘should a separate Firewall be used with Panda Cloud Antivirus’? Something like Zonealarm or similar.
I did a scan on Panda. Now when accessing my Twitter I am advised I need Java enabled. It is enabled but still unable to access the sight.