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Building Resistant Companies

Ransomware is on the rise, and in recent years has become one of the biggest headaches for IT departments in both large and small organizations. With 90 million attacks worldwide in 2016, and more than 180 million attacks expected for 2017, the million-dollar question is: how do we face these attacks? At Panda Security and Deloitte EMEA, we have no doubt about the matter — corporations can protect themselves by building their resistance.

The right approach and continuous response capabilities

Our new aim is to face the challenge conjointly, both structurally and in terms of the methodologies used by Panda Security and Deloitte EMEA. Increasingly aware of traditional security solutions’ shortcomings, namely their inability to handle attacks that use advanced techniques, such as those that use non-malicious tools, we made the decision to be proactive and reinvent cybersecurity.

How will we do this? With an advanced solution based on situational analysis:

And we will also be watching the challenges that our clients face:

The result? A cyberintelligence platform that categorizes and correlates all of the data obtained about cyberthreats to carry out Prevention, Deteciton, Response, and Remediation tasks, combined with attack area reduction services rendered by Adapted Defense.

Panda and Deloitte: an anti-ransomware alliance

Governments and large public and private companies are betting on this strategy, making Adaptive Defense the best-selling security solution in the history of Panda Security, with a global market share of over 22% in EDR solutions. Multinationals in all types of strategic sectors (financial, telecommunications, military, energy, etc.) rely on Panda Security to protect their systems with Adaptive Defense.

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