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Panda Security
Employee habits that can put your company at risk
There are many cybersecurity risks that companies can be exposed to. And the fact remains that there are several things that employees may do every day that could well lead to serious security breaches
Mónica Valle: “WannaCry marked a before and after for Spanish companies”
Mónica Valle is a journalist with many years’ expertise in cybersecurity matters, and has been involved with several of the most important security companies in the IT sector.
Data Breaches vs. Ransomware: What’s the Difference?
Cybercriminals are now using hacking attacks and insider attacks to gain access to endpoints and extract data from within the organisations network. However, a data breach in which the data is held for ransom is not the same as a Ransomware attack.
How BEC scams became 2017’s most lucrative crime
An FBI operation has brought down an international criminal organization whose main activity was BEC scams (Business Email Compromise).
Everything you need to know about cryptojacking
Cryptomining is a tactic that is becoming more and more popular among cybercriminals. Find out more about the emerging trend of cryptojacking, and what its consequences are.
52% of users reuse their passwords
Researchers have carried out a study on password reuse and modification patterns. They have uncovered an alarming figure: 52% of the users studied have the same passwords for different services.
Is EFail the end of your email privacy?
PGP/GPG and S/MIME, the most commonly used protocols when it comes to the encryption of emails, have been affected by a vulnerability which allows access to the content of these emails, in a controversy known as EFail