Posts by author
Panda Security
Interview with Elijah Wood, from The Lord of the Rings to Open Windows
Elijah Wood is one of those actors that everybody knows. Since playing Frodo Baggins in 2001 in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, there’s not…
Confessions of an IT Professional – Part 1
Many of us who work at Panda Security are in one way or another related to the world of computers and help desk. And sometimes…
Wearables. Do they threaten your privacy?
If you haven’t already heard of ‘wearable‘ devices, no doubt you will do soon, because they could shortly become part of our lives, just…
Line, the rival to WhatsApp and Telegram
In the last few weeks we’ve spoken a lot about instant messaging apps: the launch of Telegram, Facebook’s buyout of WhatsApp… These tools have…
Five reasons to protect your Mac
“There are no Mac viruses”, “I have a Mac, I don’t need an antivirus”, “It is not possible for a Mac to get a virus”.…
Improve the privacy of your Hotmail account
A few days ago, we discussed the changes to the Gmail privacy policy, and today we want to take a look at another popular webmail…
6 tips to avoid Valentine’s Day cyber scams
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we all know what that means: red roses, heart-shaped boxes… and viruses. Unfortunately, special events and holidays…