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Panda Security
Get ahead of Windows vulnerabilities with Patch Management
A new vulnerability has been discovered in Windows, affecting users of Windows XP, Windows 7, and other older Windows systems.
Amazon, the latest victim of phishing fraud
Amazon has announced that it became the victim of an “extensive” fraud. The company believes that the accounts were compromised using phishing techniques.
The Complete Guide to Recycling Electronics
Have old electronics laying around the house? This guide teaches you how to recycle electronics and how to wipe the data before you dispose of them.
BEC: a highly lucrative scam
Last year, BEC scams continued to grow relentlessly. According to the FBI’s IC3 report, the losses caused by BEC reached $1.2 billion.
What the Mueller Report can teach us about encryption security in companies
According to the Mueller Report, a Russian plot managed to keep its activity in the elections from being followed by employing a wide range of IT techniques.
Industrial espionage: cyberattackers seeking out patents
With the amount of technological and scientific innovations in the world today, it is no surprise that they can become targets for industrial espionage.
How to Clean Your Social Media
Is your social media secure? What data are these sites collecting from you? We give you tips for spring cleaning your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.