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Panda Security
What happens to my Facebook account when I die?
Photos, videos, status updates… Social networking sites store lots of information about you. Just take a look at your Facebook page’s wall. What do you…
Pandalabs neutralized 75 million new malware samples in 2014
PandaLabs, the anti-malware laboratory of Panda Security detected and neutralized 75 million malware samples in 2014. This figure more than doubles the number recorded in…
What are Advanced Persistent Threats? Interview with Fernando Andrés
On several occasions we have discusses the need for effective protection against Advanced Persistent Threats in corporate environments, however, do companies really know what we…
How to secure the files your company stores in the cloud
Goodbye CD, DVD and pen drive. When you need to share a document with a work colleague or you have to take work home, you…
Systems Management strengthens its capabilities to control all types of devices
Panda Security announces the features of the new version of Systems Management, the cross-platform solution that allows you to manage, monitor and provide support to…
Speaking with Gartner about Advanced Persistent Threats
Despite the continuous and growing investments in computer security –Gartner estimated that in 2013 enterprises spent more than $13 billion on firewalls, intrusion prevention systems,…
Dating Apps on your company’s phone. Be careful not to reveal too much personal information!
Your personal life is not incompatible with your professional life, and even less so on your smartphone, a device we use for almost everything these…