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Panda Security
Look&feel, reports… We unveil the new version of Adaptive Defense!
The new version of Adaptive Defense is here and we have reason to celebrate! One of the most important changes to the product is the…
10 easy-to-follow online safety tips for grandparents
Online security has no age limits and we can all protect ourselves from cybercriminals without being experts in the field. All you need to do…
How to set up your household router to protect yourself from attack
To keep your electronic devices secure, it isn’t just important to be aware of cyberattacks that could arrive via emails or false links. You need…
Panda Antivirus for Mac, compatible with El Capitan
September 30 saw the launch of El Capitan, Apple’s new operating system for its computers. So, if you already have Panda Antivirus for Mac installed…
Kemoge: Google Play faces new app attack
Android users will be well aware of the fact that the Google Play store, and their Android device, are constantly under the watchful eye of…
Inside the mind of a cybercriminal: what is he looking for and why has he chosen your business?
One of the first steps to ensure that your private information isn’t accessible is to understand the reasons that drive hackers and cybercriminals to do…
How to protect your company from Zero-Day attacks
Any attack that takes advantage of the “window of opportunity” produced by recently discovered vulnerabilities is called a Zero-Day attack. In other words, a rapid…