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Panda Security
Why is USPS tracking social media posts?
USPS has a service, iCOP, that scans open source information including social media searching for possible threats to their employees and customers.
AirTag Explained
Apple has just released their new location tracking device. AirTag allows users to find the people or objects carrying it. However, there are some problems.
How to deal with slow internet?
Sometimes your ISP is not responsible for your slow Internet speed. Here are some tips for you to increase it in case you are experiencing problems.
State monitoring – This is what governments know from your Internet habits
Governments gather data from their citizens in order to protect them -but it con get too invasive. Here is how to protect your privacy.
How digital marketers track you everywhere (including offline)
A new court case reveals how Sky Bet profiles its users more deeply than they expect
Was the recent Ubiquiti data breach catastrophic?
An anonymous whistleblower has stated that Ubiquity actively downplayed the breach. The leak may have left millions of customers’ data at risk.
Mobile gaming addiction is on the rise
The pandemic has caused mobile gaming and usage to rise. Here is how to prevent it.