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Panda Security
UK data watchdog warns against paying ransomware demands
The Information Commissioner’s Office has written to the Law Society urging lawyers to stop recommending ransomware payments
Cryptocurrency, a new haven for money laundering
Cybercriminals take advantage of the untraceability of cryptocurrencies to launder the proceeds of their online scams.
Big Tech and Legislators are Taking on Cyberflashing
Half of the women under thirty have experienced cyber flashing at least once. Here is what social networks are doing about it
Northern Irish NHS threatened by malware attack
NI health officials enact emergency measures after IT service provider experiences ransomware infection
Scammers use Queen’s death to steal passwords
The death of the British Monarch Queen Elizabeth II was a truly global event. One of the most recognizable humans on Earth, The TV broadcast…
How to spot a deepfake video?
Deepfake videos are flooding social networks and pose a potential danger to users. Here is how to spot deepfake videos.
Samsung was hacked… again
For the second time this year, Samsung users have had their data stolen. How does it affect them, and what compensation can they get?