If you’re having any type of problem with Panda Cloud Antivirus (a recent one we’re getting is the Error Code 1 while scanning) you can help us troubleshoot it by enabling exceptions and having Panda Cloud Antivirus create minidumps when it runs into a problem.
You can enable exceptions easily by creating the following registry key:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPanda SecurityPanda Service HostExceptions]
For those less familiar with manipulating the Windows Registry you can simply download and execute the following Exceptions.reg file which will automatically make the change in the Registry for you:
Enable Exceptions
Once enabled, any exception caught will be shown to you in popup windows similar to the following ones:
If this happens, you can find the minidump in the following locations:
- XP: c:documents and settingsall usersProgram datapanda securitypanda cloud antivirus
- Vista: c:program datapanda securitypanda cloud antivirus
Simply compress (in a ZIP or similar) the minidump and send it to us. We have enabled an FTP account where these can be uploaded to.
FTP Server:
Username: betatester
Password: d8PvVVdTQzWv
Don’t forget to drop us a note at http://www.cloudantivirus.com/forum if you do upload a minidump so we can provide you with an answer or fix after we analyze your upload.
Again thanks to all that are helping us improve Panda Cloud Antivirus !
Hi everyone. i just wanted to say that its application data not program data.
Have a nice day.
@Orlando Thanks 🙂