The 3rd and final Panda Challenge has ended. You had to find out some hiddent text, and that was it:
"Panda Cloud Antivirus provide Advanced Protection against new and uNknown viruses. cloudAntivirus "
And the winner of the Amazon Gift Card and the AV license, who sent the right answer in less than 4 hours is…:
Simon Elén
And the winners of the AV license:
Andrey Belenko
Lose Myself
William Whistler
Vladimir Gneushev
Thank you all for participating.
El tercer y último reto Panda llega a su fin. Teníais que encontrar un texto oculto, que era el siguiente:
"Panda Cloud Antivirus provide Advanced Protection against new and uNknown viruses. cloudAntivirus "
El ganador de la tarjeta regalo de Amazon y de la licencia de antivirus, que además envió la respuesta correcta en menos de 4 horas es…:
Simon Elén
Y los ganadores de la licencia de antivirus:
Andrey Belenko
Lose Myself
William Whistler
Vladimir Gneushev
Gracias a todos por participar.