What is a PUP?
The achronym PUP stands for Potentially Unwanted Program, that is, a program that is installed without express permission from the user and that, in certain cases, can carry out actions or have characteristics that may reduce the user control of his privacy and confidentiality, make use of the computer resources, etc... A few examples of PUPs are: PUP/Conduit, PUP/Delta and PUP/SProtector.
Scan with Panda Cloud Cleaner
To know if there are PUPs installed on your computer, scan your computer with Panda Cloud Cleaner. Just follow the steps below:
- Click the Download button and save and run the PandaCloudCleaner.exe file.
- Follow the scan wizard through.
- When the scan finishes, Panda Cloud Cleaner will display a summary of the malware found.
- Select the Malware & PUPs section to view the detail of the detection.
- By default, all the detected PUPs will be unchecked. Tick the ones you wish to remove and click Back. If you are unsure of which to select, we recommend ticking all the detected PUPs.
- Finally, select Clean for the disinfection to begin.
NOTE: Some PUPS, may leave traces after running the Panda Cloud Cleaner scan. For example, if your browser's start page is still modified, all you need to do is make sure the browser shortcuts are clean. To do so, right-click on the browser shortcut (usually located at the Desktop), go to Properties, click the Shortcut tab and remove the long URL in the Target field.
For further information on the Panda Cloud Cleaner scan options, visit the internal help, available from the question mark symbol at the top of the screen.