We inform you that we have had an incident with our signature file that might have affected our Panda Cloud Office Protection and Retail 2015 customers. This issue causes some files to be moved to the quarantine.
The signature file has already been replaced, so this situation should not recur. Nonetheless, we advise our customers not to restart your computer. At Panda Security we are working to restore the situation at the endpoint as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We will keep you informed at all times.
*** SOLUTION – Thursday, 3:36 (CET)
The signature file was repaired immediately. Additionally, a solution for all affected products has been automatically deployed. However, in certain environments it is possible for the incident to persist. To verify if this is the case of your computer, please follow the steps below:
Scenario 1: The computer boots up normally
Please, follow the steps below:
- Run cmd (command line) as administrator.
- From the cmd window, type in the following and press Enter after each command.sc stop psinprot
sc stop psinaflt
sc stop nanoservicemain - Run the ps-recovery.exe file as administrator. To do so, right-click the file and select Run as administrator.
- Restart the computer and check the issue is solved.
Scenario 2: The computer cannot login in Windows
Please follow the steps below:
- Start your computer in Safe Mode.
- Run cmd (command line) as administrator.
- From the cmd window, type in the following and press Enter after each command.sc stop psinprot
sc stop psinaflt
sc stop nanoservicemain - Run the ps-recovery.exe file as administrator. To do so, right-click the file and select Run as administrator.
- Restart the computer and check the issue is solved.
*** UPDATE – Wednesday, 21:20 (CET)
The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
You have all the updated info in the following link:
If you still having problems after applying these tolos, our colleagues from Tech Support will help you out: http://support.pandasecurity.com/forum
Vale, y con las máquinas que se han reiniciado o no arrancan ¿Que hacemos?
Hola Pascual. Estamos trabajando en una herramienta para recuperar los equipos que se han reiniciado. Os mantendremos informados.
Que nos cuentan de la herramienta? Cuanto tiempo falta?
Hola Arturo. La herramienta automática que restaura los ficheros de la cuarentena ya ha sido desplegada en todos los productos afectados. Os seguimos informando: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
Hola Pascual, te actualizo la información:
Hemos sacado una solución automática, que siempre que la maquina este comunicando, se va aplicar de manera automática y transparente para el usuario, restaurando los elementos de la cuarentena.
Para los casos que no haya comunicación y no pueda bajarse la herramienta automática, se necesitara ejecutar la herramienta standalone,, en la que estamos trabajando, y que estará disponible esta noche.
Para los que hemos eliminado el panda y no está disponible el archivo de cuarentena?
Hola Alexander, para los que habéis eliminado el Panda, y por tanto el archivo de cuarentena, veréis que algunas aplicaciones no funcionan correctamente y tendréis que reinstalarlas. Lamentablemente, sin el Panda instalado, nuestra herramienta no puede restaurar los ficheros de una cuarentena que ya no está disponible. Lamentamos las molestias ocasionadas.
hola marta lopez
perdon que me cuelgue de este comentario. gracias por tus respuestas, mi maquina tuvo fallos pero logro iniciar el sistema operativo como se que se esta aplicando la solución automática que mencionas?. gracias de antemano.
Hola Joel, si como comentas has conseguido iniciar el sistema, tu equipo debería recibir esa solución automática sin problemas. Mantennos informados de cualquier problema, ok?
nada de los tantos programas que no me aparecen panda es uno de ellos no aparece ni el icono ni el desintalador. sera que si lo descargo y lo vuelvo a instalar solucione algo?.
Are you closer to a fix for rebooted systems. I have a bunch of clients who are dead in the water. Some can not even boot.
Hello Kevin. We know what you meant. We’re working on a tool to recover the rebooted computers. We’ll keep you posted.
Come on Panda, UK Technical Support not answering the phone.
Hello Mike. We are working on solving the problem as fast as we can. We’ll keep you posted.
Any news on a fix for computers that did reboot? I had clients that rebooted before asking us. Now there PCs won’t boot at all.
Hello Chris. Please, don’t reboot PCs. Anyway, we’re working on a tool to recover these rebooted computers. We’ll keep you posted.
¿Cómo vais a resarcir del perjuicio causado a empresas que llevamos toda la tarde sin poder trabajar, sin poder atender pedidos, emails…?
En las empresas serias, si se comete un error y se causa un perjuicio grave a un cliente se le indemniza! Vais a hacerlo?
Hola JC. Somos consientes de los problemas ocasionados y, te aseguro, que estamos trabajando para solucionarlo lo antes posible. Os mantendremos informados a través de nuestros canales.
Lo de “estamos trabajando en ello” no es respuesta suficiente para empresas con cientos de pc’s parados! Esto genera pérdidas millonarias que alguien tendrá que asumir!
Tengo 150 PC de los cuales muchos no arrancan. Si la herramienta de Panda para recuperar los equipos que no arrancan no funciona mañana pierdo mi trabajo.
Me lo tomo con calma ¿no?
Hola Alberto, la herramienta estará lista en unas horas. Si la solución automática no funcionara, pondremos a disposición de todos una solución manual que será publicada vía web en el mismo sitio: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/enterprise/support/card?id=100045. Lamentamos profundamente los problemas causados por esta incidencia, y si hace falta que nos pongamos en contacto con tus superiores para explicarles que no ha sido en absoluto culpa tuya, no dudes en pedírnoslo.
Estamos ya certificando la herramienta que soluciona el problema en los equipos que se han visto afectados, y la publicaremos en las próximas horas en esta dirección http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/enterprise/support/card?id=100045.
the tool already available?
Hi Fabio, yes! The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Over 120 PC’s dead, we contacted Panda support UK 30 minutes after this occurred and were told it had nothing to do with Panda Security and they had not had any other calls.
I’m back in at work 6am tomorrow please have this tool ready for then as most of the staff rebooted their PC’s when the problem occurred as that is normally the first thing you try.
Hi Paul. We are at the moment certifying the tool that solves the issue on the enpoints affected, it will be ready today. As soon as it is ready we will publish it here for everyone to donwload it. http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/enterprise/support/card?id=100045
Hello Paul. I’m sorry to hear that. As you know, we’re working on a tool to recover the rebooted computers. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hola soy un distribuidor, nuestra oficina se ha colapsado esta tarde después de esta famosa actualización. Gracias a que son mínimas las licencias de antivirus panda que tenemos, pero aún así, se han quedado inutilizados unos 50 – 100 ordenadores de clientes nuestros (mañana sabremos el alcance exacto). No sé qué solución van a dar, lo que si sé es que ustedes no disponen de ningún control de calidad para hacer que estas situaciones no se den, lo cual me hace no poder confiar en su empresa. Para mí, todas sus certificaciones, sus premios, sus auditorias de calidad, su ingeniería del software, en fin… todo… han perdido toda su validez. ¿ Como pueden permitirse una situación como ésta y buscarnos un problema tan grave a los distribuidores ?. Espero que ninguno de mis clientes denuncie esta situación.
Lamentamos los problemas que le hemos causado. Estamos ya certificando la herramienta que soluciona el problema en los equipos que se han visto afectados, y la publicaremos en las próximas horas en esta dirección http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/enterprise/support/card?id=100045. Es un desafortunado incidente del que lamentablemente no está libre ninguna empresa de seguridad, pero estamos todos trabajando para restaurar los equipos afectados lo antes posible. Una vez más, nuestras disculpas.
Hi Marta,
I have already restarted my computer and it is now stuck on the ‘please wait’ screen.
I understand some time is needed to work on a fix for myself en others who have restarted.
Just wanted to check if it is okay to hard shut down my computer until a fix is available, since my computer is in my bedroom.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Tamar. Please, keep your computer off. We are currently certifying the tool that solves the issue. We will keep you informed at all times.
Hello Marta
I know you are sorry and i know that you feel that this is an inconvenience for us and the thousands of computers affected and i am aware that you are working on a tool to recover the rebooted computers.
Now that we have cleared that up what kind of usefull information can you give us?
Alex Tsarapatsanis
Hello Alex. The tool is being certified and will be available on the next hours. We will publish it here as soon as it is available: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/enterprise/support/card?id=100045
i have over 25 computer and counting in my store right now !!I sell over 400 copys a year of panda
wow who going to pay for this fix ,I have so many unhappy people calling my store right now! RIP Panda
Hello Peter. I understand how you feel. We will have the tool that fixes the affected computers in the next few hours. My apologies for what we have caused, even when I know this is not enough.
I solved the problem for my computer by running “cmd” with “SFC.exe” and “verfyonly” command.
(win 8.1) Maybe this helps somebody.
Thank you Markus. We are not sure if that would be helpful for other users but your help is really appreciated. In any case, in the next few hours we will publish the tool that restores the affected computers. It will be published for anyone to download it here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/enterprise/support/card?id=100045
Hi Markus:
Did this temporary cmd command used solve on machines that not start up even in safe mode?
This machines appears that the file “comctl32.dll” is missing and can not start in normal mode or safe mode
If anybody have suggestions please highly appreciate so we can safe this machines!
Hello Ramiro. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
Will this tool fix all of the programs’ missing dll files?
The tool should restore the computer to its previous state. The dll files have been moved to quarantine, so no dll file has really been erased.
Will this tool also work on servers?
Hi Chris, we expect it to work on all kinds of endpoints, both servers and desktops. It is being certified and will become available in the next hours.
COMCTL32.dll is missing from my computer.
Hello Phillip. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
Hoping there is a bootable version of this tool for people that cannot even get back into windows.
Right! This is bull crap. There nothing even displayed on the front page of their website or front page of the technical support!
Hi Phillip, we’re sorry for the inconvenience originated. We have published a side banner on our homepage that takes you to the tech support page where the tool we are currently certifying will be posted: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/enterprise/support/card?id=100045. We will keep you posted.
Yes some of our PC’s wont even load an explorer window in safe mode so there is no way of running a tool on them.
They will definitely need a a boot-able tool to fix them.
What a shame. I just contacted their customer support, and the rep said at this point they have no idea how they will help those who restarted their computers, and those who uninstalled Panda. I truly cannot believe the damage that has been done. The whole reason why we all put this software on our computer was to prevent issues like these from happening.
Hi Paul. we have deployed an automated solution for the computers that are still in communication with Panda, which is executed in a transaparent way for the user. For those computers where there is no communication and the automated tool cannot be downloaded, a stand alone tool which will be ready later tonight will have to be executed. If your computer is offline, that tool will have to be executed manuall through a usb drive.
For those who have uninstalled Panda, the quarantine has been deleted so the automated restore is not possible. In that case some applications will need to be reinstalled.
Hello I am so glad I found your website, I really found you by mistake, while I was researching on Bing for something else, Anyhow I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a fantastic post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to go through it all at the moment but I have saved it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please do keep up the great b.
Thank you very much for your comment Lucia! We are glad to hear you found of content interesting. We’d love to hear back from you.
Well done Panda. You ruined my day. Cant believe I have a programmed called antivirus and this program is responsible for the virus/error or whatelse you called it. imagine people with expensive computers running panda cloud and found out this situation.
Hi Stavros, we are sorry for the inconvenience we have caused. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Reddit seems to be the best place to get updates. It’s very surprising that when this became a known issue that customers of Panda were not notified directly. While I understand that issues will arise in software development, the lack of QA and communications around the issue are really unacceptable for a company the size of Panda.
Hello Scott, I apologyze if you haven’t received any communication. We are updating the information as soon as it is availble, and any news regarding this issue can be found here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/enterprise/support/card?id=100045
How much longer for this tool?
The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Thanks for totally screwing up all of our computers & wasting an entire day of work! Very much appreciated. What about for those of us that did re-boot? As I think anyone would have done btw!!! What about us? Are you going to provide a fix for us?
And…how will we know when it is available?
and if our computers cannot access the internet (as they have been rendered useless by your grand product) how will we be able to access the fix???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hello Dick, we have deploy an automated solution for the computers that are still in communication with Panda, which is executed in a transaparent way for the user. For those computers where there is no communication and the automated tool cannot be downloaded, a stand alone tool which will be ready later tonight will have to be executed. If your computer is offline, that tool will have to be executed manuall through a usb drive for instance.
Hey Marta…
I need you & your pals at Panda to get my computer backup & running so I can go looking for new anti-virus protection!
Hi Skip, sorry to see you go. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Had the same issue on several clients. Here’s what we did to be able to start the server/pc when computer does not boot or get a black screen.
Boot in safe mode –> disable all services of panda –> reboot in safe mode again –> delete the “Panda Security” folder from C:\Programs and Files –> restart in normal mode. You will be able to install software if they have been affected.
Hi Andy, we were not suggesting that solution because deleting the Panda solution deletes the quarantine, so the files stored there dissappear and as you say, you need then to reinstall some applications. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
When will you have to the solution? We are all day without work, more than 100 stops machines.
The updates should be tested before!
Hello Fabio. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We’re working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready. http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/usa/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
Hi there, I think your website could be having browser compatibility issues. Whenever I look at your site in Safari, it looks fine however, if opening in IE, it’s got some overlapping issues. I merely wanted to give you a quick heads up! Besides that, great website!
Thanks a lot for the heads up Keylene!
Hi my friend! I want to say that this post is amazing, great written and include approximately all significant infos. I would like to see extra posts like this .
Thank you for your positive comments!
boa noite, já tem alguma solução para as maquinas que estão com erros de dll ???
Hello ranyere, the solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
What does the end user have to do?
What if the programs still do not work?
Hi Marta,
Presently I am using a friends computer since all my own are put out of work by this whole mishap.
Please consider that many of us cannot even access our own mail-accounts or username / password for download of your tool for restart, so I trust that you will provide a direct access to the tool
Hi Paul, for those who cannot use the automated tool that has been published we will include a manual solution available through the web, everything will be included here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
No voy a ser capaz de actualizar mi panda, porque él también mató a su propio ejecutable, qué hacer Estoy más de 5 paradas y empresas ya están 18:23 PM aquí en Brazil’m desesperada.
I will not be able to update my panda, because he also killed his own executable, what to do I’m more than 5 stops and companies are already 18:23 PM here in Brazil’m desperate.
Hi Boratto, we have deployed an automated solution for the computers that are still in communication with Panda, which is executed in a transaparent way for the user. For those computers where there is no communication and the automated tool cannot be downloaded, a stand alone tool which will be ready later tonight will have to be executed. If your computer is offline, that tool will have to be executed manuall through a usb drive. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience.
Is the patch will work for the computer that have been restarted ?
Hello Foine. Yes, this solution restores the quarantined files and has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We’re still working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. Thanks
Is the patch will work for the computer that have been restarted ?
Hello Foine. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products and we’re still working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/usa/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 Thanks
Hola Boratto. Ya hemos desplegado de forma automática la solución que restaura los ficheros de la cuarentena en todos los productos afectados. Continuamos trabajando en la solución manual que estará disponible aquí: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 Gracias.
I have been using your products for at least 9 years! I’ve never seen such a mistake from you! I’ve just formatted 2 of my Pc’s, they were totally bricked! I’m waiting for the fix, to avoid formating my 3rd Pc! Today you have really tested my trust to your company and I ‘don’t know if i will still be a client of yours in the future.
Hello George. Please don’t format your 3rd PC. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Hi , I have two computers in the office, both affected. One I have re-booted the other not. Will I have to download the tool on the one I’ve re-booted and will the other one receive an automatic fix? How does it work? All I know is it’s brought us to our knee’s today.
For both computers, no matter if they have re-booted or not, our recomnedation is not to reboot again and wait for the automated tool to execute itself. In case this did not work, we would apply the manual tool as soon as it is available.
Information on its availability here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
Hi Marta, you said the fix would be available tonight, it’s 11:15pm here in the UK, are you sure about that?
Marte e nos casos em que o SO não carrega? A ferramenta irá funcionar?
Hello Fernando, in the cases where the SO does not start, the manual tool will have to be downloaded from another computer, copied on an external drive (USB drive for instance) and used on the other computer.
Marta e nos SO’s que não carregam e travam na inicialização com erros de executáveis? A ferramente irá funcionar? ou devo me adiantar e formatar 32 computadores? Pois estou aguardando uma solução desde cedo
Hi again Fernando, we have deployed an automated solution for the computers that are still in communication with Panda, which is executed in a transaparent way for the user. For those computers where there is no communication and the automated tool cannot be downloaded, a stand alone tool which will be ready later tonight will have to be executed. If your computer is offline, that tool will have to be executed manually through a usb drive. I wouldn’t format those computers because doing so you would delete the quarantine, and therefore the files there would not be able to be restored by our tool. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello,, we have had a lot of problem abot that issue.
Please we need a tool that will save the rebotted computers.
Hello Soysal Tan, we have deployed an automated solution for the computers that are still in communication with Panda, which is executed in a transaparent way for the user. For those computers where there is no communication and the automated tool cannot be downloaded, a stand alone tool which will be ready later tonight will have to be executed. If your computer is offline, that tool will have to be executed manually through a usb drive. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience.
We have just tried this automated solution on one of the few PCs that still have Panda working – the rest had been rebooted & now don’t work. The update ran automatically but only restored 2 files. Hundreds of files are missing. This solution does not work. If they are not in quarantine, how can they ever be restored?
In the event that the automated solution we have deployed did not work, we recommend not to reboot again and wait for the manual solution. You can be informed of any update here:
Information regarding the incidence with PCOP and Retail 2015
Got a stopgap solution, installed on a clean machine panda without the upgrade, and then copied to C: \ Program Files \ Panda Security for a USB stick, after it went on a machine where the Panda does not open and ran the panda this on the USB stick, he updated and I removed the files from quarantine if it works speak here. Alias intend to go against panda justice in Brazil.
Where is that manual tool????!!!!!
Hello Bones, thanks a lot for your comments. The automated tool is already available, we’re only waiting for the manual one, which will be available later tonight. It is true that most AV companies have suffered this type of incidents at least once, thanks again for understanding. We are keeping up with the hard work to restore all endpoints asap.
Hola Marta.
Espero que tengais en cuenta que muchos equipos y servidores no arrancan despues del reinicio y no podremos instalar nada. Tendra que ser desde otro equipo o con un Live-CD
Hola Alberto, eso es. Para los equipos que no arrancan habrá que descargar la solución manual en otro equipo, copiarla a un live-Cd o usb, y con eso actualizarlo.
Hello Marta
the automatic solution worked only on (maybe 20) of ~120 machines.
We need some news please – when will the manual tool be available?
Hello Pilot. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We’ll update the information as soon as it is ready. Thanks
Hello Marta,
we know – the question is -> when do we get this tool?
Send IT-Service to sleep a few hours or stay awake…?!
Please ask for a time range….
in 8 hours we have to start our business… 🙁
Where is the fix???????????????????
It’s been all day.
Did everyone at Panda go home?
What’s going on with the fix?
We are still here, Chris. The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
Hi marta,
some machines have updated, and now report the quantined fines to online console. But the files are not beeing auto restored from quarantine.
Any recomended procedure?
Shoud we start to restore one by one, via panda mangaed protection online, or should we wait?
Hello Mpleite. We’re waiting for the manual tool. You can be updated here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
>We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
You need to provide better info. Are you 1/2 hours away from release? 8 hours? 24 hours?
@panda_security haven’t tweeted for a couple of hours. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day – do we hold out, or plan for an early start?
Hi Brian, we expect the manual tool to be ready in 1-2 hours maximum from now.
Marta, you have been saying the same thing over and over. We understand your sorry and “The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We’ll update the information as soon as it is ready.”
How about picking up the phone and calling someone to get a REAL answer on when this tool will be ready. Should I go home? Should I sleep here? I need something to tell my boss who is getting very angry with me over something that is YOUR company’s fault.
This! All bogus answers, nothing real. We have users down, who have gone home. its 7pm here. They return 7am Monday. What do I tell them??
Hi Bob, the manual solution is being tested right now. It won’t take much longer.
Hi Chris, the manual tool is being tested now. It should not take much longer.
This is getting ridiculous.
So mad! No reply – many channels – no solution – no advice :-/
Marta, I am getting very aggravated about this it is not only the business computers it is also personal computers that are affected by this. I have been using this program for years because it has been always reliable but now I am loosing faith We need a answer or a solution asap. I am not a tech person and no one in my house is so if it needs someone in Tech knowledge who is going to pay for that??????
Hello Louise, the automated tool is most likely to solve the issue withoug you having to do anything. In case it doesn’t we will help for sure, both with the manual tool and with instructions on how to proceed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The automated update is not working. We need the manual tool. Can you give an update other than the generic responses you’ve been giving, Marta?
Hello Kass. We’re waiting for the manual tool. We will update the information as soon as it is ready. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Starting to have serious doubts about this “tool”
Same here. I highly doubt its going to restore all the .exe and .dll files.
Then where will we be? Reformatting and reloading all our software? Could have had most of that done by now instead of wasting my entire DAY and EVENING (so far) waiting for this “tool”
Lets keep this on track. We need Pandas’ help.
we need to know what to do with the already updated PC.s Some are asking, now, to reboot. Should we?
and machines with the new fix are nor restoring the quarantined files…
Please say something.. i have some hundreds of Pc/ servers
Hi there. To know if the automated tool has worked properly, there shouldn’t be any elements on the following path:
%programdata%\ Panda Security\Panda Endpoint Protection\Quarantine
If this has not worked for some computers, the manual tool is on its way. We have just been said that in the next hour should be ready.
Marta, we use PCOP….
there is no such folder tree, nor a quarantine folder. We just can manage it from https://managedprotection.pandasecurity.com
i think you are on home products division… but we need help/info
we can see this: (changed names to XXX for security reasons):
Item Motivo Computador Ordem ascendente Grupo Data
Desconhecido Suspeito PRT-XXX ReXXX 11/03/2015 13:10:41
Desconhecido Suspeito PRT-EXXXX ReXXX 11/03/2015 14:05:02
Desconhecido Suspeito PRT-EXXXX ResXXX 11/03/2015 13:48:10
Desconhecido Suspeito PRT-EXXXX ResXXX 11/03/2015 14:06:10
Want to thank Panda for one F**ked up day!!
News flash your screw up is even removing Panda program exe
not to mention sys restore – this is a really big problem
we still have multiple clients down
wtf is going on??
where is this tool
some pc’s will NOT even go into safe mode
tried booting pc’s with a cd recovery
very few work this way
sure hope u have this nightmare fixed soon!!!
As you know the automated tool was deployed a few hours ago. The manual one is on the way, hopefully will be ready before 1-2 hours.
its 00:25am (UK) and I am currently at one of My Business’s waiting for this FIX. They have 30 PC’s all as much use as a Door Stop. I have tried several options that have not worked, so I would like this tool ASAP, as I have to be at another business site by 8am to fix there 60 plus PC’s…..
Finally, I WILL be submitting my Invoice to Panda as this charge for my time and my colleagues time can NOT be passed on to them. I am VERY disappointed in the support received from Panda. I tried to call the support line earlier today, in between engaged tones and on the odd occasion the call got answered and then got hung up straight away. I will however give credit where credit is due, and my account manager saw the missed calls, and CALLED me back. We had a good discussion on what had caused the issue, no bull….t answers either, so for that I am grateful.
Marta, as much as we appreciate your answers, could we please have a more definitive answer on when the tool will be released if it has been tested and works.
Hello Adrian. The tool is being tested on different environments now. It shouldn’t take much longer.
Update Please?
The solution which restores the quarantined files has been automatically deployed in all the affected products. We are working on a tool to be installed on those computers which require a manual installation of the solution. We will update the information as soon as it is ready.
That’s what I am waiting for, the manual tool, I have read all the other comments…
Thanks for your reply
ITS IS WORKING !!! Thank you Panda i will continue addicted to you.
Thanks, Zapiao!
will this manual tool actually fix my computer as it will not even attempt to boot just stays black screen ? Info would be greatly
With the Black Screen, apparently you can use Ctrl+Alt-Del to get the task manager running… May be of some help
I have tried that. it does not work I pushed the power button and it does nothing no lights blinking nothing except fan runs
Any update on ETA of the manual tool?
I guess you are all working hard, but we (the customers, you know) are ALL wating here. we *need*, at least, status updates
Update, please.
It’s been 2 hours since you told is 1-2 hours for the tool.
New ETA?
Hello? Anyone awake at Panda?
Update would be nice……..
Also…. Have just sent Rui a message on Whats App 🙂
We ALL need answers…. 2:20am here , its not as if I need sleep!!!!!
Page has been updated
This Tool has not resolved the issue with PC’s that have lost Network Connections. They are unable to obtain an IP Address.
This has been caused by your product, please resolve this as I don’t want to have to reload PC’s.
If you fail to resolve an IP from your DHCP server – Open Network Connections, Click Properties on the Network Adapter.
Look for “Network Activity Hook Server LightWeight Filter Driver”. Highlight and then Click Uninstall. Then run “ipconfig /renew”. That will at least get you back on line!!!
Has this Tool worked for ANYONE?????
Worked for me!! (on one trial PC)
Can’t run the tool because COMCTL32.dll is missing.
Hello David. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
The tool worked fine so far on some workstations I tried it on.
Some kind of output window to know when the tool is done with whatever it’s doing would have been nice though…
Hi Raffael, we take note of your suggestion, thank you very much.
My laptop was mostly working after the new signature file until I powered it off for the trip home.
Now, I cannot log on. I get a Logon Process Initialization Failure pop up normally or in Safe mode.
How do I get past this latest nastiness???
Hi Jim, sorry to hear that. Please try with the steps that appear here: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
Let us know if that does not solve your problem.
I got pc running but how do i know what files has bean deleted, messed up?
Hello, the way to check if the computer is ok, is to check if there are no files in the quarantine. To do that you need to follow the following steps:
1. Go to Start – Run and write the following instruction:
• %programdata% (for Windows 8.1 , Windows 7 and Windows Vista )
• “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de Programa” (for Windows XP and Windows 2000 )
2. Access the following folder: Panda Security\Panda Security Protection\Quarantine and check that there is no file there with the date March 11th 2015.
If there is no file with that date, it means that the automated solution has been applied correctly.
In the contrary, you must apply the solution available on the support article: Information regarding an issue with the signature file in Panda Cloud Office Protection and Retail 2015: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
I work in a company of 100+ workstations. All PCs remained online during last night, although some of them fell to sleep. Today morning Panda icon has a yellow exclamation mark with a message “pending restart to eliminate some viruses”. I updated with right click, a pop up says that changes where applied successfully, but it still asks for a restart to eliminate viruses.
Is it safe now to restart?
Before restarting please verify that there are no files on the quarantine. For that:
1. Go to Start – Run and write the following instruction:
• %programdata% (for Windows 8.1 , Windows 7 and Windows Vista )
• “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de Programa” (for Windows XP and Windows 2000 )
2. Access the following folder: Panda Security\Panda Security Protection\Quarantine and check that there is no file there with the date March 11th 2015.
If there are no files there, you can restart safely.
I think it would be better if there was a progress bar to the fix files application… I watch the quarantine folder with 178 files and the restore process is > 1 file/s.
In some PCs I applied the fix and restart the computer after 30s as there was nothing happening to tell me what was going on..
Your tool does not work as it uses a dll file comctl32.dll that panda messed up. You need to provide a static version of the fix binary.
Hello J.L. For this situation please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task
ps-recovery took files out of quarantine, but applications still miss comctl32.dll and i am unable to re-register it with regsvr32: “The module comctl32.dll was loaded but the entry point DllRegisterServer was not found. Make sure that comctl32.dll is a valid DLL ot OCX file and then try again.
OS is win7pro 64 bit,
Any additional instructions?
Same issue !
El mismo problema
Dear Panda team, the page with the fix husband link on how to start safe mode. However, this only provides options for starting safe mode with window 7 or xp.
I have windows 8.1, have already googled how to start safe mod, but none of those suggestions seem to work. This is because many use cmd, and my computer gets stuck before being able to log in. It is on an endless loop of the ‘please wait’ screen.
I really need your help. And frankly I am disappointed with the situation and the fix instructions not being applocable to multiple situations.
Forget the ‘husband’ typo. Working from my phone here, which is far from ideal.
Same situation with windows 7
Seriously, that’s unacceptable. Panda fyi, I can get into the bios setup utility by pressing delete, and into the boot manager by pressing f12. However, after randomly trying out a few things I am still not any further, as it goes beyond my computer skills. I urge you to resolve the problem you caused, therefore i need you to go further than the instructions which have been posted thus far.
Marta, glad to see you’re back could you please find someone from techical support to help me out? Thanks
Tengo varios equipos que no arrancan en modo seguro (se reinician constantemente) ¿Cual es la solución?
Same issue here, I have 10 computers that won’t boot into safe mode.
Hello, please try again unplugging the network cable and then try to access from safe mode. Let us know if this works for you, it has worked for other users.
Hi Marta,
No, unfortunately unplugging the network cable it does not make any difference. Still not being able to boot in safe mode.
El mismo resultado de Adgarett. No podemos entrar de ningun modo.
The fix apparently does not work – on some PC’s the COMCTL32.DLL system file has been quarantined, and the repair utility seems to be dependent on it, a Catch-22 type situation.
This is intolerable! You MUST fix this once and for all!
Hello Marcello,
Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
wow… Your fix is not working: “The program can’t start because COMCTL32.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” . Thank you very much. Your product are the best… for destroying my stuff.
Hi Valcic, Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
This is my path: reinstall everything. Your solution is , at least, only a try… Try this, try that… I don’t think you now what is happening. Download that (a bunch of dll’s – you don’t have a single executable for this … really???), try this… I need to work, I have projects in progress… I don’t need excuses, my clients don’t need excuses. I hope I will never see your products on the market.
How about refunding? To all of your clients…
Apparently you overview my comments & question, waiting for your answer……
We just renew licenses for POCP (45) for 3 years. Due to this bad experience, and several undetected spyware/malware infecting our systems previously what will be the process if my clients decide to cancel the subscriptions and get their money back?
Hi Antonio, we will contact you directly.
I Marta,
I have the same problem like the other users.
I stop panda antivirus ( service + application) , and place and other antivirus, after a lot of hour my computer know restart and works.
But there are some software how are not working because a missing file: gdiplus.dll.
I try to reinstall completly some software like adobe ( flash , indesign) but the problem is the same.
I try to contact your Belgium support by chat , but they can’t give me a process or any help to uninstall completly and correctly panda.
( with the installer from Windows 7 , it’s not possible, also with de uninstall from panda).
Call you give if it possible a help ?
Thank in advance
Hello Ide. The problem with the signature file affected some files that were moved to quarantine. If you uninstalled the Panda antivirus, those files in quarantine are no longer there unless you chose to maintain them during the uninstallation process. The tool we have created to solve the problem restored the files back to their original folders, but it will not work if the product has been uninstalled. In this case you should repair the system.
Hello Marta,
i wanted to ask if the Free Version of Panda Cloud Antivirus is also affected by this problem?
Hi Thomas, yes, all the retail 2015 range products were affected, including Panda Antivirus Free. However, if you aren’t experiencing any issue you should be ok, since the problem was with a signature file that was up only for a short period of time.
There is a pc repair shop about 20 miles from me. They said they can get all my important info off of my now corrupt computer and transfer it to a usb, they’ll do this for $50. Will you be reimbursing those of us who are having to do this?
I am not seeing any way around it. My screen will not budge, it remains black, nothing comes up no matter what I do.
Hi Leslie, from your note I imagine you have already tried to follow the steps we have published here, right? http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
It’s working! Thank you for your solution, although this is an UNACCEPTABLE problem from a such high-level company!!!!!! Very disappointed… cannot use and sell anymore if it’s not reliable…
Hi Karina, I am glad the solution worked. We have reviewed all the certification processes and have put all needed measures to avoid this from happening again, but I understand your frustration. We apologize for all the inconveniences.
Thank you anyway for your efforts to manage this situation!
when i run ps_recovery.exe an error occour : testernano.exe impossible to find disk. insert disk in unit \Device\harddisk1\DR1 we have 5 pc in this situation.
Hello Maurizio, please accept the error message and continue. It could happen that you get the same message several times, it’s due to the disk units, if there is for example a reference to a usb drive that is not there anymore. Accept all those messages and it should let you go on.
Hello, We will contact you directly asap.
please hurry I got an irate husband that lost his computer because of this issue and I promised him that your program was the best to use for protection now he is blaming me for this and swears it is never going to get fixed
Hi Marta, could you please have a look at my above comments and see if there is anything you can tell me that will help (EG. We are aware of this and still working on an additional fix, or try x, y or z). Possible indicate a time frame for the additional fix?
I do appreciate you keeping in contact with us and know that you’ve been assigned a tough job.
Hi Marta,
What happens if we cannot boot the system in safe mode ????
Marta, tengo la misma duda, tengo un equipo en el que tampoco puedo bootear en modo seguro
Hola Ignacio. Estamos desarrollando una herramienta para solucionar esta incidencia en estos ordenador. Os mantendremos informados. Gracias por vuestra paciencia.
Any news?
Hello Tomas, please use this other version of the tool that does not show an interface: pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_sl.exe
My customer has 2 computers not rebooted but waiting for something to happen.
What should happen with the running computers ? Should they auto repair with your automatically deployed update and auto reboot ? Where I can contact somebody by phone to ask them directly what to do ?
Thank you.
Hello. The automated tool should have worked transparently. To verify that the automated tool has been applied, you need to follow the following steps:
1. Go to Start – Run and write the following instruction:
• %programdata% (for Windows 8.1 , Windows 7 and Windows Vista )
• “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de Programa” (for Windows XP and Windows 2000 )
2. Access the following folder: Panda Security\Panda Security Protection\Quarantine and check that there is no file there with the date March 11th 2015.
If there is no file with that date, it means that the automated solution has been applied correctly.
In the contrary, you must apply the solution available on the support article: Information regarding an issue with the signature file in Panda Cloud Office Protection and Retail 2015: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
I cannot boot the system in safe mode too… HELP!
Hello Guntis. If the computer cannot start, you will have to download the manual tool from another computer, save it on a USB drive and use it for the affected computer. Thanks
Hello Marta,
I did the all the 7 step’s you said before for the users with the COMCTL32.DLL problem and in fact i saw my quarantine files go away of the folder.
I restart my PC and I still have all the problems incluind the missing COMCTL32.DLL, please help 🙁
Hello Tiago. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please, let us know if you have any additional problem.
Hello Marta,
I did the all the 7 step’s you said before for the users with the COMCTL32.DLL problem and in fact i saw my quarantine files go away of the folder.
I restart my PC and I still have all the problems incluind the missing COMCTL32.DLL, please help me 🙁
Hello Tiago,
We have been told that in some cases, it is necessary to reboot the computer and repeat the steps described in the support article for all the elements to be completely restored to their original location. http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/uk/homeusers/support/card?id=100046
Hello Marta,
We can’t a lot of computers in the safe mode and also Win8 problem exists.
We can’t boot and stay screen on the blue/black.
Thank you.
Panda Turkey
Marta, we have had big big problem about the COMCTL.Pls help us this issue.It is very very importante
Hola Marta, yo tengo equipos en dominio los cuales no ingresan en sesion tampoco en Safe Mode…como hacemos? se puede ejecutar desde Safe Mode con simbolo de sistema?
Hola Lorenzo. Para los equipos en los que no se puede ingresar en Safe Mode estamos desarrollando una herramienta específica. En cuanto esté disponible, os lo contaremos. Muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia y disculpas de nuevo.
Dear Marta,
Thanks for your help and that of your colleagues. I do appreciate that you were working late into the night to provide a fix. It is unfortunate, of course, that this has all happened. Despite all the upset customers who have been unable to communicate in a calm and professional manner, I see that you kept your cool and continued to focus on giving clear and sensible advice.
I have followed your instructions and (touch wood) everything is fixed now.
I hope you will feel a sense of achievement once this matter has come to its conclusion and that you will able to unwind in suitably celebratory way.
Thanks again.
Hello Luis,
Thank you very much for your nice words, we really appreciate them here. I do hope everything is fixed for you now, if not, we’ll be here to help. Thanks again.
Marta, temos computadores que não carregam em modo seguro…
Alguma solução?
Hello Fernando. We’re working on a tool that will solve the safe mode start issue. We’ll keep you update.
Bom dia, estou tentando entrar em MODO DE SEGURANÇA, MODO DE SEGURANÇA DE REDE, MODO DE SEGURANÇA COM PROMPT DE COMANDO e todas essas funçoes dizem a seguinte mensagem : o programa não pode ser iniciado está faltando COMCTL32.DLL. Preciso de ajuda. Alguma solução?. Como irei “rodar” a solução acima se não entra para executar ?
Hello Francisco. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
Hello good day,
I have the problem of COMCTL32.dll, so that access to safe mode also is now blocked because of the same error, Panda support in Brazil through the number +55 11 30541711, does not answer me I’m expected and the connection drops.
Hello Fonseca. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
Bad this works running cmd for windows cd? In some formqa’ll have to play this file to another machine that hd
I can not access the testernano.exe, is running through the cmd windows cd the only way I have to access it,
Hola Marta:
En casos que al encender el ordenador te sale la ausencia del comctl32.dll, la instrucción que indicas solucionaría la incidencia o hay algún paso al encender un ordenador que podamos hacer?
No se puede acceder en safe mode o normal mode por la ausencia de dicho fichero.
Finalmente confío que pasara el temporal para todos satisfactoriamente.
Hola Ramiro. Para solucionar la ausencia del comctl32.dll, sigue estos pasos:
1. Descárgate el siguiente zip. Contraseña: panda
2. Ejecuta la carpeta resultante en el ordenador afectado.
3. Abre CMD como administrador.
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. Desde la venatna CMD, examina la carpeta extraída y selecciona la ruta “quarantinefix\tool” y ejecuta testerNano.exe
La ventana CMD se cerrará. Es un proceso silencioso, el testerNano.exe no aparecerá en el administrador de tareas, así que, por favor, espera un par de segundos hasta que la herramienta termine de ejecutarse. Después ve a la carpeta de cuarentena para asegurarte de que no hay ningún archivo. Si tienes algún problema, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
Hola Marta
Como se debe proceder cuando aparece el mensaje de que falta el archivo COMCTL32.DLL y no permite continuar con la carga del Windows en ningún modo, ni normal, ni a prueba de fallos. Tengo aproximadamente 60 máquinas con problemas y de estas unas 10 no arrancan por el mismo problema. Alguna solución?
Hola Luis. Sigue estos pasos:
1. Descárgate el siguiente zip. Contraseña: panda
2. Ejecuta la carpeta resultante en el ordenador afectado.
3. Abre CMD como administrador.
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. Desde la venatna CMD, examina la carpeta extraída y selecciona la ruta “quarantinefix\tool” y ejecuta testerNano.exe
La ventana CMD se cerrará. Es un proceso silencioso, el testerNano.exe no aparecerá en el administrador de tareas, así que, por favor, espera un par de segundos hasta que la herramienta termine de ejecutarse. Después ve a la carpeta de cuarentena para asegurarte de que no hay ningún archivo. Si tienes algún problema, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
I have tried all your fixes nothing is working now when I push the start button on computer all I get is the fan running nothing else
finally got it to start but will not load and cannot figure ho
to get into safe mode I have windows 8.1
Update status… On a client with 3 PC: on every single application which I want to run , I get : bad argument… In this case, how can I run your patch?
What to do if I can’t go to safe mode inside any type of Safe mode same message… “The program can’t start because COMCTL32.dll is missing from your computer. Try installating the program to fix this problem.” …again and again…no matter how many times press enter..same message again.
Please help,
Hello Ivan. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
Hello Marta.
I tried your first fix but it says comctl32.dll is missing, so i tried your second fix and followed all the steps and i let testerNano.exe run for 15 min, then i looked inside the quarantine and there is no files in there, so i restarted the pc and i still have the same problem comctl32.dll is missing. I cant open panda, windows live mail and some other programs.
Please Help me.
Hello Jeff. Please try the following:
1. Download the following zip file (password: panda) http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
2. Run the resulting folder in the affected PC
3. Open cmd as admin
4. Sc stop psinprot
5. Sc stop psinaflt
6. Sc stop nanoservicemain
7. From the cmd window, browse in the extracted folder to the path “ quarantinefix\tool “ and run testerNano.exe
The cmd window will close. The process is silent, the testerNano.exe won’t be seen on the task manager, so please wait a few seconds for the tool to finish, and then you can go to the quarantine folder to check there are no files there.
Please let us know if you have any additional problem.
I have already tried it and it dosent work. It have cleared my quarantine but when i restart my pc comctl32.dll is still missing and i cant open panda or windows live mail.
em todos os procedimentos passados por vocês ainda tenho inúmeras maquinas que estão sem funcionar …
eu não consigo ter acesso a pronpt de comando em modo administrador e nem consigo entrar na tela do windows
pelo modo de segurança, maquinas que são necessárias para o uso do expediente, ja entrei em contato com o suporte e ninguém
da uma posição sobre este erro… ( iertutil.dll em grande maioria das maquinas esta faltando este arquivo )
windows não iniciar de jeito nenhum. desde já agradeço uma posição.
in all procedures passed by you still have several machines that are not working …
I can not access the command pronpt in Administrator Mode and can not even get into the windows screen
by safe mode, machines that are necessary for the use of the file, since I contacted support and no one
of a position on this error … (iertutil.dll in vast majority of machines is missing this file)
Windows does not start at all. I thank you a position.
Marta, te pusiste la 10, SOS LA MESSI DE LA COMPAÑIA, AGUANTE NOD32
Gracias por tus palabras! Estamos trabajando para intentar ayudaros a todos. Os agradecemos vuestra paciencia. Un saludo
How come no one has even mentioned a class action law suit?
Martha….????? what is the solution to the situation where my pc will not even load windows in safe or repair mode ….How do I get beyond this…???!!!!!
Hello Alan. Please check out this link: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 You will find information depending on your situation and which are the steps you need to follow. If you have any problem let us know. Thanks
My computer is still not fixed. Emailed the support department of The Netherlands over 18 hours ago informing them that the cmd instructions did not work. It said that “cs is not recognized…” therefore I am still stuck and been unable to access two computers at home for almost 48 hours now…..
Still no reply, unfortunately.
Please communicate with your customers!
Tried ps_recovery_comctl32.7z
Still getting the errors about the missing comctl32.dll
Please respond.
Hello Oleg. Here you have information depending on your situation and which are the steps you need to follow: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045
Tengo varios PC que no quieren iniciarse en modo seguro, en la empresa en la que trabajo la mitad de las workstations tienen el mismo problema (el departamento de informática está loco), mi padre en el despacho tampoco pueden arrancar sus ordenadores !!!
Hace dos días que estoy siguiendo éste post y mi desesperación va en aumento.
Sabes cuando tendréis la herramienta para que aquellos que no podemos acceder en modo seguro podamos solucionar el problema?
Muchas gracias y ánimo!
Hola Luis. Nuestros compañeros de Soporte están trabajando para publicar esa herramienta lo antes posible. Cuando esté disponible, la publicarán en esta URL: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 Muchas gracias por tus ánimos y por tu paciencia. Un saludo.
Hola Marta:
Para compartir alguna información adicional, en base a nuestra experiencia.
La solución http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 funciona, aunque para nosotros es la que en menos ordenadores terminaba el proceso tal cual vuestras indicaciones. Veiamos en el task manager el proceso en 2do plano pero no veíamos que se moviera el proceso. Salvo que hayan actualizado la herramienta posterior a su publicación).
Por otra parte, la más efectiva para nosotros ha sido la solución referida a http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/resources/sop/ps_recovery_comctl32.7z funciona bien; hubo algunos casos con programas clientes (CRM, ERP, AS400) tienen que ser reinstalados.
Aquellas que al inicio les sale este mensaje del comctl32.dll y no pueden acceder a safe mode o modo normal, la única forma nos funcionó era apretando F8 y seleccionado “restaurar a punto anterior”
Nuestro ultimo escollo en la que hoy nos están exigiendo solución son aquellas cuyos ordenadores de pantalla negra que lamentablemente al acceder al inicio pulsando F8 solo disponen de 4 opciones:
Modo Seguro
Modo Seguro con Funciones de Red
Modo Seguro LInea de Comando
Modo Normal
Y en todas las opciones se queda en negro la pantalla, lamentablemente no tienen la opción de punto de restauración
Nose si con disco de sistema operativo en “reparar sistema” (la opcion actualizar creo en W7) al inicio de booteo, pueda funcionar.
En este escenario nose como ayudarlos y decirles lo del formateo podría derramar el vaso; estoy preocupado.
Si alguien tiene alguna sugerencia o experiencia de como pudo solucionar este escenario, ojala pueda compartir por este post como lo hizo.
Líneas arriba he leído que están desarrollando una solución para estos casos, por favor podrías comentarnos si hoy 13/3 crees que tengan algo al respecto?
Tengo 3 clientes (220, 350 y 200 licencias) de los cuales 1 vence este mes y dos en abril; tocarles el tema de renovación seria echar sal a la herida. En estos casos agradeceré vuestras recomendaciones de como proceder.
Gracias y saludos.
Hola Ramiro. Sí a lo largo del día de hoy estarán disponibles en esta URL actualizada por nuestros compañeros de Soporte: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/spain/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 Un saludo y gracias por tus aportaciones.
This is so frustrating!
do you have an ETA for the update?
Hi Marta,
The solution provided those not work for me, after booting from the image and running the patch the system still bricked.
Hi Adgarett. Have you tried the latest solutions? http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 You will find information depending on your situation and which are the steps you need to follow. Thanks
Is there any solucion for those who reboted their pc’s ?
Hello Pedro. Please check out this link: http://pandasecurity.lin3sdev.com/homeusers/support/card?id=100045 You will find information depending on your situation and which are the steps you need to follow. Thanks
I just found my last message several spaces up—it was not deleted—sorry for the accusation/implication.
No problem, David. Thanks!
Dear Panda team,
On Tuesday, I was able to resolve the issue for one of the two affected computers in my house.
I was succesful in doing so, because I was able to restore the system to an earlier date.
This then allowed me to log in, enter the cmd lines and run the fix.
Unfortunately, the other computer in my house, is on an endless loop op the “your PC needs to be repaired” screen, and is not responding to any of the many suggested fixes (or my other attempts to just get further that the restore wizard – even a factory reset did’nt work).
I am also in contact with the customer support of The Netherlands, but it has been a week now since my computer worked.
At this point, I don’t even know how to express my disappointment and frustration any more.
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